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督学阔步高视地走进校园。The superintendent swaggered into the schoolyard.

这条两岸长满鲜花和绿草的河正从我们校园穿过。The river with grass and flowers on both sides runs through our schoolyard.

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我有点兴奋,有点晕眩,好像自己成了它们的一员,在一起游戏。I felt elated and slightly dizzy like the kid who is 'it' in a schoolyard game.

不过对很多人而言,Facebook代表的是一种质朴的校园交友文化的回归。Yet for many people, Facebook permits a return to the simplicity of the schoolyard.

这就是校园欺负运行操场和全球教父做到无处不在。That's how schoolyard bullies run playgrounds and global godfathers do it everywhere.

我们吃午饭,玩游戏,做功课,离那些惹事生非的同学远远的。Away from the schoolyard bullies, we ate our lunch, played games and did our homework.

还是一个孩子时,她喜欢从校园捕获瓢虫带到家里。As a child, Mila enjoyed capturing ladybugs and bringing them home from the schoolyard.

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更重要的是,我们必须保持校园的清洁。因此,我们不能随地扔垃圾。Whats more, we must keep the schoolyard clean, so we cant throw the rubbish away incidently.

紧接着,数十名身着丝质红衣的小女孩开始载歌载舞。Dozens of girls in cerise silk outfits broke into song and dance in the kindergarten schoolyard.

但是尝试和超越在学校的水平。But try and rise above the level of the schoolyard. Think Jon Stewart rather than Rodney Dangerfield.

我想他在取笑我,于是跑得更快,赶到学校时已经是上气不接下气。I thought he was making fun of me and ran faster than ever , reaching the schoolyard quite out of breath.

学校的北侧,公共校园位于连接新旧学校建筑。On the north side of the school, a communal schoolyard is placed to connect the new and old school-building.

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初期研究结果发现所谓的计算机高手正在成为校园里新的恶少。Preliminary results from the research show so-called computer geeks are becoming the new schoolyard bullies.

协调人苏塔达把泰国目前的分裂比作两个男孩儿在校园里打架。Coordinator Sutada Mekrungruengkul compares Thailand’s current divisions to two boys fighting in a schoolyard.

如果我们校园里的垃圾掉入斯利戈溪,那么它最终会到哪里?So any trash coming from your schoolyard that falls into Sligo Creek, where do you think it's going to end up?

一座双层的教学楼矗立在校园内,有音乐室、美术室,还有教学用的电脑室。In the schoolyard stands a two-storeyed teaching building. There are rooms for music, art and com-puter teaching.

随着中等教育的迅速发展,中学校园的扩建规划成为较为常见的规划项目类型。The expandability of high school schoolyard is a familiar fact along with the rapid growth of secondary education.

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尔旦被同窗欺负,心让护尔旦亦告受伤,素四暗中击退一群恶少。Dan bullied by classmates, heart for her care, denier is injured, four secretly to fend off a bunch of schoolyard bullies.

第一天上幼儿园,五岁的杰夫又担心又害怕,翻过学校院子的围墙,逃回了家。Anxious and frightened on the first day of kindergarten, five-year-old Jeff climbed over the schoolyard fence and ran home.

开放的中庭被布置在建筑中心,朝东的主入口将人引导进来。The main entrance to the east leads into a circular open schoolyard atrium which is placed in the centre of the building volume.