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Nero是一条搜救犬。Nero is a rescue dog.

营救队待命。Stand by rescue team.

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卡巴斯基救援盘。Kaspersky Rescue Disk.

向日葵成日本福岛救星?。Sunflowers to rescue Japan?

救援工作正在进行。Rescue efforts are underway.

营救队已经来了。The rescue party had arrived.

蝙蝠侠和罗宾救民于危难……Batman and Robin to the rescue.

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救命啊!拜托来人救救我啊。Help! Someone please rescue me.

派两个营救队到现场。Take two rescue teams to scene.

王旭暗中把沫儿救出。Wang Xu in the dark foam rescue.

英勇的胖达要如何解救皮嘎呢?How will brave Ponda rescue Piga?

搜索并替换到救援系统。Search and replace to the rescue.

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营救人员赶往雪崩地点。Rescue workers rushed to the site.

为什么当局不营救我们?Why did authorities not rescue us?

我总是需要有人来救我。I always need someone to rescue me.

他们冒著大风雨来救我们。They braved the storm to rescue us.

用这种方法拯救银行,显然违背了规律。That broke the rules of bank rescue.

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啊!这是救援勋章吗,狗狗老师?Ah! Is that the Rescue Badge, Duggee?

想过来拯救这些树吗?Rere, wanna come to rescue the trees?

从流徙和羞辱中拯救我们。Rescue us from exile and humiliation.