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显而易见,有不同的指示标志。Notably there are different indicators.

新的前定风翼有一个显著不同的尾盘端板。The new front wing has notably different endplates.

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但是,一些专家说,中国对此尤为熟练。But the Chinese, some experts say, are notably adept.

在会议中陈云林并未称马为总统。During the meeting, Chen notably did not refer to Mr.

明显的例外是小数和整数类型。The notably exceptions are the decimal and integer type.

城镇人口比重明显增加。The proportion of urban residents will notably increase.

这个表演有一些亮点罍——尤其是演员阵容特别强大。This show has several strengths — notably a strong cast.

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在一些国家,大部分甚至都不见了——刚果尤甚。In some states, most notably Congo, it has largely disappeared.

美国宇航局亦证实,太阳正从休眠期中苏醒过来。NASA also confirmed the sun is now leaving a notably quiet phase.

他曾经是埃里克松不称职的受害者,但他能为新教练带来很多。There are also several you can't, notably ineptitude and bad luck.

但对王最值得一提的,是他创生涯新高的10次三振。But most notably for Wang, he set a career high with 10 strikeouts.

他曾经是那个创办了苹果和皮克斯的有远见的乔布斯。He has been Jobs the visionary founder, notably at Apple and Pixar.

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这的确符合某些公司的情况,其中最为显著的是甲武公司。This was definitely the case with certain firms, most notably the Kobu.

与此同时,Erin在她的帽子显著的地方抄录了破案法庭的逮捕命令。Erin, meanwhile, notably pulls a case-breaking court order out of her hat.

同时划船和旱冰都得到了意外惊喜。There were other pleasant surprises, notably in rowing and roller-blading.

如今,我在完全不同的情况下回到美侬岛。And now I'm coming back to Gili Meno under notably different circumstances.

施皮茨以蝶泳最为擅长,在自由泳项目上成绩也非常优秀。Notably a butterfly specialist, Spitz was also successful in the freestyle.

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但仍有一些尚在开发中,尤其是更新和全文搜索功能。A few pieces are still in development, notably updates and full-text search.

塑解剂的加入,可显著提高CPE的降解速度,并就其降解机理进行了初步探讨。And the degradation pace can be improved notably by the joining of peptizer.

我们有股指期货市场,我们还有石油期货市场We have a stock index futures market and notably we have an oil futures market.