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他是一位非常能取信于人的演讲者。He is a very persuasive speaker.

有多少人认为这没有说服力的?How many don't find it persuasive?

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什么时候我们要做说服性演讲呢?When do we make persuasive speeches?

有多少人认为它很有说服力的?How many think it's pretty persuasive?

它是有说服力的,还是没有。whether it's persuasive or unpersuasive.

他的一番劝说令我兴奋起来。I was hyped up by his persuasive remarks.

你磨叽时,是不具有说服力的。You are never persuasive when you're abrasive.

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沃伦夫人的反驳清楚明确、说服力极强。Ms. Warren’s rebuttals were clear and persuasive.

沃伦夫人的反驳清楚明确、说服力极强。Warren's rebuttals were clear and persuasive. Mr.

内容生动有力,It’,感人且具有说服力。s very powerfully written, moving and persuasive.

事实上,略施小计,你就可以变得很有说服力。In fact, you can be persuasive with a gentle touch.

如果打电话成功,你需要有说服力。To cold call successfully, you need to be persuasive.

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甚至只是暂时存在的相同点也能起作用。Even the most fleeting similarities can be persuasive.

如何写一个有说服力的论点为艺术论文?How to write a Persuasive Thesis Statement for Art Thesis?

说服性演讲的开场白很重要。The introduction to a persuasive speech is very important.

最没有说服力的其中一个理由就是把他跟科比相比较。The least persuasive are ones that compare LeBron to Kobe.

真正的说理过程可以被有价值地学习。The persuasive process can be rewardingly studied as such.

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无论你有多有说服力,也一定会有异议出现。No matter how persuasive you are, there will be objections.

但是我并不认为这是行为学上的有说服力的解释。But I don't find this persuasive as a behavioral explanation.

他的词婉转幽美,并且带这一股忧伤。His word persuasive serene and beautiful, and belt this sadness.