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民革也迅速接纳了这个新朋友。The MDC has also been quick to accept this new friend.

第三章介绍了多级降压收集极模拟计算涉及的物理方程。Chapter 3 describes the equations concerned with the simulation of MDC.

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穆塔马拉先生坚称,没有MDC的主要派别参与的话,不会达成什么协议。Mr Mutambara insists that there will be no deal without the main MDC group.

民主变革运动党为自己的无能为力颇感愤懑地表示,现在是时候动真格的了。Frustrated by its impotence, the MDC says it is time to take the gloves off.

反对党民革运律师表示听讼会被延期至周日。Lawyers for the opposition MDC said the hearing has been delayed until Sunday.

后续的计划将邀请民革来北京进行政治和投资会谈。Plans are afoot to invite the MDC to Beijing for political and investment talks.

在争取民主变革运动和非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线之间的谈判中,比蒂是反对党的高级谈判官员。Biti is the senior MDC negotiator at the talks between the opposition and ZANU-PF.

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如果达成有关协议,那么争取民主变革运动主席茨万吉拉伊就将成为津巴布韦总理。If it is agreed upon, MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai will become prime minister of Zimbabwe.

研制了一个微波管多级降压收集极的二维模拟计算软件MSDC。CAD software MSDC for simulation of axisymmetric MDC for microwave tube has been developed.

然而区域覆算所包含的23个选区可能使民革运失去优势。But the partial recount includes 23 voting districts that could turn the tide against the MDC.

然而最近的几周里,随着决定性竞选的逼近,MDC表明他们认为这样一种竞争是不可能取胜的。But in recent weeks, as the run-off approached, the MDC said it had found campaigning near impossible.

除了西班牙的产品,地中海饮食公司还提供来自葡萄牙、摩洛哥和智利的高品质产品。In addition to Spanish products, MDC can offer high-quality products from Portugal, Morocco and Chile.

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上列个人资料可能会被用作研究、发展以及推广本中心之产品及服务。Personal data may be used for carrying out research, development & promotion of MDC products & services.

穆加贝星期二在议会开始发表演说时,争取民主变革运动的议员对他讥讽起哄。Mr. Mugabe had been jeered and heckled by MDC legislators Tuesday during his opening address at parliament.

假如有自由和公平的选举,茨万吉拉伊的民主变革运动无疑会赢得压倒性的胜利。If there were free and fair elections there is little doubt that Tsvangirai’s MDC would win with a landslide.

茨万吉拉伊、穆加贝以及反对党一个较小派系的领导人穆塔姆巴拉之间的谈判在星期二晚上陷入停顿。The talks between Tsvangirai, Mugabe and smaller MDC faction leader Arthur Mutambara stalled on Tuesday night.

茨万吉拉伊说,下星期六,许多人将投争取民主变革运动的票,所有操纵选举和舞弊的现象将会被战胜。He said that so many people would vote for the MDC next Saturday that any rigging and cheating would be overcome.

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在野党向重新统计选票示威来抗议在朝党赢得60多个席位的做法是不合法的。The MDC launched court challenges to block the recount as illegal and to contest 60 seats won by the ruling party.

超过30年的专业经验使地中海饮食公司发展成为一个多元化的国际企业。MDC has developed into a diversified international company based upon more than 30 years of professional experience.

因此,穆加贝需要一个全国团结政府,需要争取民主变革运动参加。Habib adds that to do so the Zimbabwe leader needs a government of national unity and needs the MDC to be part of it.