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百废待举。A thousand things remain to be undertaken.

冉阿让开始教她识字。Jean Valjean had undertaken to teach her to read.

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他承担了莎士比亚著作的翻译任务。He has undertaken the translation of Shakespear's.

这是我承担过的最艰巨的任务。This is the most onerous task I have ever undertaken.

在贵州,森林地区的人们从事伐木业。In Guizhou, logging is undertaken in the forest areas.

威尼斯人的旅程并不简单。The journey undertaken by the Venetians was not an easy one.

样地记录表可以在分类范围之外按照任一意图进行。Releves may be undertaken without classification as a purpose.

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赫思说工程马上就会展开,请他放心。Heth assured him that the work would be undertaken immediately.

从严控制新开工项目。We will strictly control the number of new projects undertaken.

工作职责必须与牙科保健员相关。Tasks undertaken must be related to those of a Dental Hygienist.

中国有史以来最大规模的人口普查将于周一1日的时候开始。THE biggest census ever undertaken begins in China on Monday 1st.

这项工作由一个更专业的建筑工程队承担。The work was undertaken by a more professional construction team.

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但她说这是一个在男人占支配地位的环境中从事的一项任务。But she says it’s a task undertaken in a climate dominated by men.

方法对无锡地区57例MGA患者的常见病因进行回顾性研究。METHODS The study was undertaken in 57 consecutive cases with MGA.

一旦钢板远端得以固定,即可对近端实施固定。Once the plate is fixed distally, proximal fixation can be undertaken.

曾承担或主要参加国内外项目10余项。In the past, he had undertaken more than 10 domestic or foreign grants.

本研究主要采用闪烁光度法得到四个亮度级上的相对视亮度曲线。This work was undertaken by using the flicker method and JND Technique.

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船坞可以大为提高船舶建造效率。Shipwright allows the construction of ships to be undertaken in earnest.

一般技术移民评分标准审核将在2010年上半年进行。The GSM Points Test Review will be undertaken in the first half of 2010.

法官说这是他有史以来最困难的一次行使量刑。The judge said it was the hardest sentencing exercise he had undertaken.