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那是一双让我心动的眼睛。It was a pair I echocardiography eyes.

柒牌男装,让女人心动的男人。Qi card, so that women echocardiography men.

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偶然看到这句话,心动。Chance to see this sentence, echocardiography.

超声心动图可容易诊断粘液瘤。Myxomas are easily diagnosed by echocardiography.

应用心脏超声观察LVH的程度。Echocardiography was performed to observe the degress of LVH.

超声心动图发现赘生物6例,脾脓肿1例。Echocardiography found vegetations in 6 cases, spleen abscess in 1 case.

超声心动图测定左心室质量指数。Left ventricular mass index was measured by two-dimentional echocardiography.

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多普勒彩色超声心动图对于PHT是最有效的非创伤性检测方法。Doppler echocardiography is the most effective noninvasive method in detecting PHT.

目的旨在初步探讨左室血栓的超声心动图表现及其诊断价值。Objective To investigate the echocardiography features of LVT and its diagnostic value.

提出一种全方向M型心动图的边界提取方法。Describes a method to detect the edge of omnidirectional M-mode echocardiography images.

目的探讨超声心动图在冠状动脉瘘中的诊断价值。Objective To explore the diagnostic value of echocardiography in coronary artery fistula.

前几天在公车上遇见了曾经心动过的男孩,完全没有认出他来。Few days ago, the bus had echocardiography had met the boy, he came to fully Meiweirenchu.

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用二维及M型超声心动测定有关心血管参数。Using two dimensional guided M-mode echocardiography we determined cardiovascular parameters.

目的探讨超声心动图对川崎病冠状动脉改变的诊断价值。Objective To explore the diagnosis value of echocardiography on coronary artery changes of MCLS.

目的探讨彩色多普勒超声心动图评价新生儿心脏杂音的价值。Objective To study the value of color echocardiography for appraisement of neonatal heart murmurs.

心脏超音波显示心脏旁有一水泡状囊肿且压迫右心室。Echocardiography showed a pericardial cystic mass with external compression of the right ventricle.

干净利落的黑白配色辅以性感的蕾丝花边,还有什么能比它更让你心动?Neat black-and-white color supplemented with sexy lace , What can you than it echocardiography What?

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他们没有跨出自己的心扉,在原地打了会转,选择了收藏自己的心动。They don't step out of the heart, in situ played will turn, chose to collect their echocardiography.

目的探讨超声心动图诊断永存下腔静脉瓣的价值。Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of echocardiography in the permanence eustachian valve.

只听名字也振奋,只看眼神也心动的花美男花郎们在新罗出现。Just listen to the name up, only looking at the eyes of the echocardiography flower in Xinluo hualang.