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这是我关于友情的看法。Tht is my ide bout friendship.

显示IDE的命令行选项的帮助信息。Displays help for IDE command-line options.

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毕竟,开发人员的大部分时间都花费在IDE中。After all, developers spend most of their time in the IDE.

具有多显示器的支持,以及新的IDE的一部分。Have multi-monitor support as well as part of the new IDE.

对于当前所有语言来说,良好的IDE支持都是前提条件。Good IDE support is a precondition for any language these days.

Tofino是个免费的IDE,提供了基本的编辑与调试功能。Tofino is a free IDE which provides basic editing and debugging.

可是不多时,楼下的河水已涨到了楼梯平台上。Soon, however, the water i ide had risen to the stairway landing.

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它启动IDE时不显示闪屏并在IDE的标题栏中动态的显示内存的分配情况。Starts the IDE with no splash screen and tracks memory allocation.

尚不清楚胰岛素如何诱导IDE活性增高。How this insulin-induced increase in IDE activity occurs is unknown.

ClickOnce应用程序不再需要在IDE中签名和哈希化。ClickOnce applications no longer need to be signed and hashed in the IDE.

然后利用IDE来创建还未创建的类和方法,因为这样比较快。We use our IDE to create missing classes and methods, because it's quick.

好,如果你想保持相同的IDE你不同的百万分之一发展。Good if you want to keep the same IDE as you develop for different micros.

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事实上,Amethyst是个面向Flash平台的具备完整的设计、编辑与调试功能的IDE。It is, in fact, a complete design-edit-debug and run IDE for the Flash Platform.

RDT是一个功能更为完善的Ruby开发环境,具备许多令人兴奋并且可以节省大量开发时间的选项。RDT is a far more full-featured Ruby IDE with a ton of exciting and time-saving options.

不管你的开发团队使用何种IDE,一定要建立所有程序员都能够使用的Ant构建文件。Regardless of what IDE your team uses, set up an Ant buildfile that all programmers use.

对Roo产生的所有部件,你都可以用自己选择的编辑器、IDE或其他工具来编写代码。For all parts of Roo you can write code in your choice of text editor, IDE or other tool.

位于印度首都新德里的印度最大的清真寺贾玛星期五发生两起炸弹爆炸,导致至少10人受伤。Two bomb blasts i ide India's largest mosque in New Delhi have wounded at least 10 people.

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其左岸的单薄山梁既构成大坝坝肩岩体,蓄水后又成为一天然坝体。The thin mountain ridge on the lefts ide of the reservoir could be used as part of the dam.

MonoDevelop是一个面向Mono针对Gnome开发人员特别设计的IDE。MonoDevelop is an IDE designed specifically for Gnome developers targeting the Mono runtime.

该文研究了电子盘的结构和特点,描述了设计技术。The paper researches the structure of IDE and its features, discusses the design technology.