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它潜伏在海底。It lurks beneath the sea.

伯爵在公爵之下。An earl is beneath a duke.

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你的头下枕着我的臂膀!This arm beneath your head!

在教堂大树底下。Beneath the church-yard tree.

他发牢骚有失身份。It is beneath him to grumble.

这些蠢话的背后是什么呢?What’s beneath this nonsense?

最终我在树下坐了下来。At last I sit down beneath it.

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你犯不着去抱怨。It is beneath you to complain.

哦,你就是那风,托举起我的双翼。Oh, the wind beneath my wings.

我在岩石下找到了一只蚂蚁。I found an ant beneath the rock.

看——在树之荫,湖之缘Beside the lake, beneath the trees

他打伞挡雨。He sheltered beneath his umbrella.

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他的身体在被单下颤抖。His body stirs beneath the sheets.

这件外套是毛棉混纺的。His waistcoat is beneath his coat.

乌黑的恶性平方根的迹象?Beneath a vicious square-root sign?

苦钢则在狭海建立了黄金团。Beneath the gold, the bitter steel.

皮肤下泛黄又模糊。yellow and opaque beneath the skin.

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躺在迎风招展的花朵脚下。Beneath the feet of dancing flowers.

他认为这种工作有失他的身份。He considered such jobs beneath him.

我愿化为你的翼下之风。I'll be the wind beneath your wings.