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她邀请我去喝了茶。She invited me to tea.

我已约了王同志。I've invited Comrade Wang.

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他得到约请参加那个聚会。He is invited to the party.

她恭请我们就座。She invited us to be seated.

我应邀参加了音乐会。I was invited to the concert.

小狐狸邀请了熊熊来吃午餐。He had invited Bear for lunch.

我约请你到场我的结婚仪式。You are invited to my wedding.

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他邀了几个将军同餐。He invited many generals to it.

他们邀请我叁加婚礼。They invited me to the wedding.

必须欢迎有分歧的想法。Divergent ideas must be invited.

除非邀请,他才肯来。He will not come unless invited.

恳请莅临视察。Inspection is cordially invited.

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她有被约请的期望。She kind of hoped to be invited.

他一拳朝我打来,我动也没动接了他一拳。He swung at me and I invited him.

如果你邀请了他,他可能会来的。If'you invited him be might come.

我的朋友邀请我出去吃饭。My friend invited me to dine out.

我的冤家约请我看电视。My friend invited me to watch TV.

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卡罗尔和汤姆请我们来吃午饭。Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.

我的朋友邀请我去参加那个聚会。My friend invited me to the party.

所有经过的路人,都被邀请喝一碗。All passers-by were invited to eat.