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他不会喜怒无常。He's not moody.

今天他情绪不好。He was very moody today.

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非常哥特,非常阴森。very gothic, very moody.

睡眠不足也更可能使他们喜怒无常。It is also more likely to make them moody.

这也就反映了其喜怒无常的天性。This also at times reflects their moody nature.

这只爱生气的猫会是英国脾气最坏的猫吗?Could this moody moggy be Britain's grumpiest cat?

正像我刚才说的,巨蟹女是极其情绪化的。As I said earlier, Cancer woman is extremely moody.

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但是有的男人比女人更加喜怒无常,情绪波动大。But some men are more moody and emotional than women.

在黑暗的理由为分散花香穆迪的感觉。Scattered florals on dark grounds for a moody feeling.

他现在是慕迪圣经学院的客座讲师。He is now a guest lecturer of the Moody Bible Institute.

你知道她有时候喜怒无常,我是不会为此而担心的。B You know, she is moody sometimes. I wouldn’t worry about it.

慕迪回答,「神憎恨罪,所以祂不爱罪人。」"That's not right, " Moody replied. "God doesn't love sinners.

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阿拉斯托·穆迪、有弗兰克和艾丽斯·隆巴顿都是著名的傲罗。Alastor Moody and Frank and Alice Longbottom were famous Aurors.

回到穆迪分数,然后我写了“烟雾机,蛇,和泥。”Back to the moody scores, I then wrote "Fogger, Snake, and Mud."

除了在20岁出头那段忧郁的时期之外,我一篇日记也没写过。Except for a moody period in my early 20s, I have not kept a journal.

国际第二大评级机构穆迪的分析师对本报记者表示。Analyst from the second largest international assessing agency Moody said.

房间里需要有腔调存在时,用一种深色调就不会出错。When moody tones are concerned, you can't go wrong with a deep dark shade.

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你恶心、疲惫,而且可能还要每五钟小便一次。You’re sick tired moody and probably have to pee about every five seconds.

第二天她因为睡不着觉,心情不好朝我发泼。And then she bitched at me for being moody the next day from lack of sleep.

我们最后一次看到活点地图,是在小巴蒂•克劳奇乔装穆迪的时候。The last we saw of it, Barty Crouch Jr. had taken it in the guise of Moody.