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再者,不要撞击舱口围板。What's more, don't bang against the hatch coaming.

货舱口围板船上安装精度检查。Inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on board.

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货舱口围板焊接后焊缝检查。Inspecting welding seam of hatch coaming after welding.

本品为矿用橡套软电缆系列产品。This product is the rubber sheath flexible series used in coaming.

后部横向围板处在甲板上的最大垂直高度是多少?What is maximum vertical height above deck plating at aft athwartships coaming?

卫生单元内应在淋浴处设围槛,围槛的材料为不锈钢。Bathroom unit should be equipped with coaming of stainless steel for the shower.

后部横向围板处在甲板上的最大垂直高度是多少?What is maximum vertical height above deck plating at aft athwart ships coaming?

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靠近居住舱室和服务区有否安装甲板横向围板?Is an athwartship deck coaming fitted adjacent to accommodation and service areas?

靠近居住舱室和服务区有否安装甲板横向围板?Is an athwart ship deck coaming fitted adjacent to accommodation and service areas?

潜艇耐压壳体上大的开孔常常切断一根肋骨,并且用围壁进行加强。A big hole generally cuts off a ring on the pressure hull of submarine, and is stiffened by coaming.

醋酸有腐蚀性,请把其装在五舱甲板两边,在货物和舱口围板间留一条通道。Please put them in both sides of No. 5 deck, leaving a passage between the hatch coaming and the cargo.

船长人很高,站在一本书、一个脚凳或者什么其他矮东西上就能从天窗往外看到舱口栏板。He was a tall man and by standing on anything low, a book or a footstool, he could look from under the skylight over the coaming.

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醋酸有腐蚀性,请把其装在五舱甲板两边,在货物和舱口围板间留一条通道。The acetic acid is corrosive. Please put them in both sides of No. 5 deck, leaving a passage between the hatch coaming and the cargo.

每隔10档肋位和每一舱壁处要用钢板割的肋位标记焊接到舱口围和舷墙上。The frame number marks, made of steel plate shall be welded and painted on the hatch coaming and bulwark at the place of every 10 frame-space and at every bulkhead.