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下载图片,动画和铃声。Downloadable pictures, animations and ring tones.

他们只提供了一个可下载的.deb文件。In this case they just provide a downloadable .deb file.

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选址研究报告可以从环保署网址下载。The Site Selection Report is downloadable from EPD's website.

这个小组的首要任务就是开发一个可供下载的安装包。The group's first priority is to build a downloadable installer.

可下载程序意味着不用跑去商店购买软件。Downloadable programs mean fewer trips to stores to buy software.

它同时提供可供下载的免费游戏和商业游戏。It provides downloadable linux games both for free and commercial.

带有教育性的游戏和可下载的更新。with educational games and regular downloadable updates with new activities.

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他们所提供的一个可下载的软件实用程序,即是所谓的贝宝安全卡。They offer a downloadable software utility that is called PayPal Secure Card.

这是一个整点我进入我的免费下载电子书的网站。This is a whole area I get into in my free downloadable ebook on the website.

是下载科幻小说的一个线上图书馆。Baen Free Library is an online library of downloadable science fiction novels.

免费软件就是不要钱的文件,可以从网上下载。Freeware is software offered free of charge, downloadable off of the Internet.

可以在可下载源代码中找到与其他类型对应的代码。You can find the respective code for the other types in the downloadable source.

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你可以看到超过16页的免费图标集,并且是可以以PNG格式免费下载的图标。You can browse over 16 pages of free icon sets that are downloadable in PNG format.

所有的数据报告是精确地采用时间编码的,并且对任何微软程序是可下载的。All data reports are precisely time-coded and downloadable to any Microsoft program.

这里可以下载到一份九页的PDF文档,提供了所有的相关信息。Available there is a downloadable nine-page PDF document, which gives all the details.

爱好者甚至能建立和添加可下载的插件,从几乎所有网站获取内容。Fans can even build and add downloadable plug-ins to get content from nearly any site.

下周我们将对这些趋势进行总结,然后提供可以下载的演示稿。First thing next week we will post a round-up, along with a downloadable presentation.

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这两个程序提供了一个下载的启动光盘,您可以在大多数计算机上使用。These two programs offer a downloadable bootable CD which you can use on most computers.

这确实精彩,我希望他们在发布之前会提供下载,哪怕一段也好。It was really kewl and I hope they make at least one of these downloadable before release.

通过一些易于理解的代码片段和一个可下载的样例项目,我已完成这一任务。I've accomplished this via easy-to-follow code snippets and a downloadable samples project.