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这是人民内部的小矛盾。This is an intramural scrimmage.

奔跑的队员在争球线附近被擒住。The runner was tackled at the line of scrimmage.

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他的脚是在上周五的一次争球中扭伤的。He was hurt when his ankle buckled late in a scrimmage Friday.

和队友进行百分百的全场对抗是拜纳姆恢复的下一个计划。A full scrimmage with his teammates is the next step in Bynum's recovery.

是的'阻力'可以比喻为在运动混战线。The the 'resistance level' can be likened to the line of scrimmage in sports.

这一次他能够代表美国队出征真是一件非常好的事情。We played an intra-squad scrimmage and it was a better game than the NBA All-Star game.

中国目前拥有2万多家家纺企业,处于低价混战阶段。China now has more than more than 20,000 home textile enterprises, in a scrimmage low stage.

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玩家可以和其他玩家1对1对战,也可以多人组队或混战。Players and other players can be 1 to 1 against, but also can be more than team or scrimmage.

由于湖人队将在周六晚进行对抗赛,所以禅师希望队员可以准备充分。With the Lakers set to scrimmage later Saturday night, Jackson wanted his players ready to play.

禅师这番话之后,沃顿果真要因为背部的疼痛不适而缺席周二的队内对抗赛了……Jackson talked and Walton sat out Tuesday's scrimmage because of pain and discomfort in his back.

星期一,出于伤病考虑,蒙塔-艾利斯和拉玛库斯-阿尔德里奇退出二队。Scrimmage team members Monta Ellis and LaMarcus Aldridge pulled out on Monday with injury concerns.

禅师周六的时候说他非常满意大家为训练而付出很多,尤其是在周五晚上的队内对抗赛中。Jackson indicated Saturday he was happy with the players' efforts, particularly in a Friday night scrimmage.

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四分卫后场运动员,位置在开球线后面,通常为比赛发号指令。The backfield player whose position is behind the line of scrimmage and who usually calls the signals for the plays.

湖人队在周二为球队的季票拥有者举办了一年一次的队内对抗赛,这也是禅师每年头痛的一天。The Lakers held their annual scrimmage for the season-ticket holders Tuesday, also known as Phil Jackson's annual headache.

同样的,在目前出现的练习录像中,菲尔。杰克逊对保罗所有的训练都加以称赞,特别是最近的肉搏训练。Also, all reports out of practice so far have Phil Jackson praising Pau for his play overall and particularly in a recent scrimmage.

第二天,我参与了一场小型混战,无意碰到我多年之前的老队友并把回归联盟的消息散播了出去。The day after, I played a small scrimmage and bumped into my old teammates from several years before and spread the news of returning to the league.

随着股市继续冲高,我的亏损进入两位数区域,这简直就是2000年的历史重演,而我对当时的情景依然记忆犹新。As the markets ripped higher, my losses delved into double-digit territory. It was the mirror image of the 2000 scrimmage and that fact wasn't lost on me.

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比赛引擎将得到显著改变,一方面是引擎自身的改进,一方面比赛中的不平衡会得到体现。These changes will take place starting with the Thursday games after the all-star break, so that anybody who is not still in the tournament can use a scrimmage to see how they work.

边卫列于防守线最外边,负责突击四分卫和阻止跑锋从进攻线外侧突破。The two defensive ends play on opposite outside edges of the defensive line. Their function is to attack the passer or stop offensive runs to the outer edges of the line of scrimmage.

杜兰特出局也铁板上订订,不过上月在一场公开的一队二队对抗赛中,他抢下22分恐怕让他还有放手一搏的机会。Durant is going to have to be mighty impressive to stay out of the final three cuts, but his 22-point performance in the team's public scrimmage last month has given him at least a fighting chance.