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什么是同化、异化和换位?What is assimilation, dissimilation and metathesis?

关于身体的异化想象和黑色的调侃。About dissimilation image of body and black badinage.

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符号拜物教是符号世界的一种异化现象。Symbol fetishism is a kind of dissimilation in symbol world.

第二部分,着重考察弗洛姆的异化理论。The second part mostly sees about Fromm's dissimilation theory.

要增加这种转移概率,需要引进异化操作。To increase this transition probability, the dissimilation operation is introduced.

究竟是机器被人同化了,还是人被机器异化了?It is a machine after all by person absorb, be still a person by machine dissimilation?

作者认为,由于古犹太教异化而产生的基督教是其自身矛盾积累的结果。The dissimilation of ancient Judaism is the result of the contradiction of Christianity.

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我们都在讲怎么样做差异化,但是这个差异化不大。We are being told how to do poor dissimilation , but this poor dissimilation is not big.

由于新闻炒作在实践中被不断的“异化”,因此对它要理性看待。Because of the dissimilation of "news sensationalization" in practice, we need to treat it reasoningly.

本文首先考察和说明了弗洛姆是如何“解释”和歪曲马克思的异化理论的。This article first reviews and shows how Fromm "explained" and distorted Marx's theory on dissimilation.

马克思的异化理论与弗罗姆对现代资本主义分析的思维向度是一致的。Marx's dissimilation theory and Framm share the same thinking favor as for their analysis on modern capitalism.

但在问责制的建构中必须改变问责异化现象,分清问题,明确具体的制度安排。But we should avoid the accountability system's dissimilation problem and definite concrete system arrangements.

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在制度层面上,我国农地征收及其相关制度的不合理是导致农地征收异化问题产生的制度根源。Depending on the law system, the irrationality of expropriating system leads to the dissimilation of land expropriation.

本文揭示了译语与译语文化的相互影响问题,指出译语的异化是两种语言、两种文化的对抗与对话。This article reveals the mutual influence between the target language and its culture, and points out that dissimilation.

这种态度可以理解,但极容易误导甚至异化人们的行为规则。This kind of manner is understandable, but extremely easy misdirect even dissimilation the behavior of people is regular.

资本主义私有制造成了人对物的异化,使金钱成为社会的统治力量。Capitalist private ownership engenders human dissimilation to object, which makes money become the regnant power of society.

苏联解体的一个重要原因就是理论创新的缺失与异化,主要表现在凝固化、教条化、形式化、单调化、主观化、片面化、行政化。The thesis holds that theory creation' s missing & dissimilation is an important reason on the collapse of the Soviet Union.

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同时,纳米时代竞技体育也面临影响运动员身心健康、体育异化发展的严峻挑战。Meanwhile, competitive sports is confronted with austerity challenges such as athlete health damage and sports dissimilation.

绘画消亡的说法,是现代主义运动的发展到一个极端时自身异化的结果。The view of the painting withers away is the result of own dissimilation when modernism movement development to an extremeness.

正确处理此阶段异化与人的全面发展之间的矛盾是我国市场经济条件下社会生活关于人的发展的主题。It is a main theme to argue how to deal with the relationship between dissimilation and the all-round development of human being.