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你要去野营吗?Are you going camping?

是的,野营就是遭罪。Yes, camping is uncomfortable.

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体味幕天席地水边露营的浪漫!Let's go camping next to water!

去年夏天咱们班去露营了。My class go camping end summer.

这里是很受欢迎的露营区。This is a popular camping area.

去年夏天班去露营了。My class went camping last summer.

我们还去徒步旅行,或者宿营。or we go hikes or we just go camping.

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柴克没兴趣去露营。Zack had no interest in going camping.

我感到很快乐,因为野营是不同的!I have fun because camping is different!

这些折椅可以折叠起来。These camping chairs can be folded away.

这周你要和谁去野营?Who are you going camping with this week?

如果你去参加野营,你就得过艰苦简陋的生活。If you go camping you'll have to rough it.

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两个男孩子在后院露营,他们不知道到了晚上几点钟。The two boys were camping in the backyard.

什么时候去露营要看天气而定。When to go camping depends on the weather.

有些人喜欢野营和乘坐敞蓬车旅行。Some people prefer camping and caravanning.

大家决议去梦岛露营。Everybody resolution to dream island camping.

如果明天下雨,我们就不去野炊。If it rains tomorrow, we will not go camping.

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我夫人邀请克里斯蒂和我们一起去野营。My wife invited Kristy to go camping with us.

我确定我们会在露营时玩得很开心。We'll have a great time camping out I'm sure.

在一个阳光明媚的日子,我们去野营。On a day of brilliant sunshine,we went camping.