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皮肤干燥?Dry skin?

我身上是干的。I am dry.

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嘴唇发干。Dry mouth.

或是火、乾土。Or dry soils.

水已烧干。Water was dry.

抹干您的手机。Dry your phone.

我的鼻子乾乾的。My nose is dry.

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我说干性皮肤。My skin is dry.

万能速干胶?Quick dry glue?

土都干了。The soil’s dry.

我感到我口干舌燥。My mouth was dry.

但擦干眼泪。But dry your eyes.

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你的头皮发干么?Is your scalp dry?

我的嘴都干了。My mouth felt dry.

试试干洗发露吧。Try a dry shampoo.

禁止用干热的东西。Never use dry heat.

请吹干我的头发。Please dry my hair.

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苹果也适宜晒干。They also dry well.

感觉干干的呀。I feel it quite dry.

滋润干燥的皮肤。Moisturize dry skin.