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这里曾经有一个织布厂。There is also a manufactory here for bolting cloth.

本会为各义工举办了参观益力多厂。HEP arranged a Yakult manufactory visiting for volunteers.

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该基地是一个集礼宾花产品内销与出口于一体的大型生产基地。The manufactory is a large-scale base fordomestic sale and export.

CIMS技术改变了传统制造业的运作模式。CIMS technology changes the running mode of traditional manufactory.

因特网是全球最大的富翁制造厂。Internet is the moneybags manufactory with the greatest whole world.

协助制造部相关区域,实施新产品的初次生产。A ist to make the Initial production with relevant dept. in manufactory.

金华市帅达工具厂,是一家新型的专业生产防护工具的工厂。Jinhua Shuaida Tools Co. , Ltd is a original & professional manufactory.

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制造商房地产估价论文为工厂手工制造了很多机器。The manufacturer manually manufactured many machines for the manufactory.

制造商为工厂手工制造了机器。The manufacturer manually manufactured many machines for the manufactory.

同时,我公司还拥有一家专业的自行车生产工厂。Moreover, there is a professional bicycle manufactory belong to our company.

制造商为工厂手工制造了很多机器。The manufacturer manually manufactured many machines for the manufactory.

耿祺塑胶制品厂是一家生产塑料玩具、工艺制品的企业。Gengqi Plastic manufactory is an enterprise of producing plastic toys & craft.

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其中成品率低是国内幅相一致行波管研制中面临的最严峻问题。The low of finished product ratio is serious difficult for domestic manufactory.

源聚机械厂拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。YUANJU MACHIN MANUFACTORY has complete and scientific quality management system.

中山市越好电器有限公司是一家以电磁炉产品制造为主体的专业公司。Better Home Appliance Co. , Ltd is a professional manufactory of induction cooker.

十月二十日,和高尔兹普林工厂签订了一份合同。On the 20th October a contract was entered into with the manufactory of Goldspring.

本课题针对大连小松雄连机械制造厂开发一个通用的MIS平台。We developed a universal MIS platform for Xiaosong Xionglian mechanism manufactory.

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等你到达中国的时候,我们会带你到机器的工厂,然后在讨论价格。We will bring u to the manufactory and discuss the price after ur arrival in China.

在此基础上提出了适于我省绿茶初制茶厂选用的茶机类型。Based on the analysis we suggested the types of tea preparation manufactory in Henan province.

潮安县金鸿伟日用陶瓷厂位于“中国瓷都”―潮州。Jinhongwei Daily-use Ceramics Manufactory locates in" Ceramics Capital Of China"---- Chaozhou.