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你能影印。You can photocopy.

你需要复印还是扫描?Do you need just a photocopy or a scan?

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如有需要,请影印本表格。Pleaes photocopy this form if necessary.

如有需要,请自行影印本表格。Please photocopy this form, if necessary.

欢迎使用本表格之影印本。Photocopy of this Entry Form is acceptable.

最近一年纳税资料影本。Photocopy of tax return for the latest year.

如栏位不够请影印本表格。Please photocopy this form for more entries.

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如有需要,请自行影印本表格。Please make photocopy of this form if needed.

原件复印得十分清晰。The original reproduces clearly in a photocopy.

“影印”是一个过时的术语复印件。"Photostat" is an outdated term for a photocopy.

影印文件开支限每页十美分。Photocopy charges are limited to 10 cents a page.

我可以复印缩微胶片上的一些资料吗?。Can I get a photocopy of some material on microfilm?

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他保留了手稿但给了出版商一份影印件。He kept the original but sent a photocopy to his publisher.

五证据,其为文书者,应添具缮本或影本。Evidences, for those are papers, shall add copy or photocopy.

护照,签证,和个人信息资料的影印件。Photocopy of passports, visa, and personal information sheet.

完成的申请表要复印一份再寄出去。Take a photocopy of the finished form before you send it off.

请阁下与雇员各保留一份影印本作存档之用。Please retain a photocopy for you and your employee's own records.

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申请人应保留一份填妥的申请表副本,以备参考。Applicant should retain a photocopy of the application for reference.

她发现内德一个人在复印室里复印一些文章。She found Ned alone in the photocopy room, duplicating some articles.

我会影印所有我的笔记,你可以把我的笔记跟你的相比较。I will photocopy all my notes, and you can compare them to your notes.