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从天篷走道被见到的密集的雨林。Dense Rainforest seen from Canopy Walkway.

人行道上的积雪差不多有两英尺厚。The walkway is buried in two feet of snow.

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砖入境通道重音在葱郁的园林绿化。Brick entry walkway accented by lush landscaping.

天桥壁龛是一个僻静的时刻完美的环境。Walkway alcove is the perfect setting for a secluded moment.

假使你足够幸运遇到下雪的天气,切记不要清扫走道。If you're lucky enough to have snow, don't shovel the walkway.

结束后,塞缪尔沿着车道和人行道撒了一层盐。They finish and Samuel scatters salt along the drive and walkway.

由八个三角形的部分相互铰合而成,放置水平后行人即可通行。It consists of eight triangular sections hinged at the walkway level.

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人们走在威尼斯的淹没海边行人道2008年12月1日。People walk on a flooded oceanside walkway of Venice on December 1, 2008.

为此,祖父必须把很重的大桶推上一个斜坡,推过人行通道。To do this, he had to push the heavy vats up a ramp and across the walkway.

勋载一名在多伦多的娱乐区走道明星。Honourees are given a star on a walkway in Toronto's entertainment district.

連接往毗邻新东海商业中心的行人通道。It connects to the pedestrian walkway of the adjoining New East Ocean Centre.

与我们的家养宠物很相像,这些猫科动物也比较喜欢铲平了的道路。Much like our domesticated pets, these felines prefer a well-shoveled walkway.

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用树皮屑铺成的小路会给人以林间小道的印象。Paths of bark chippings will help to give the impression of a woodland walkway.

在前院,混凝土被用于楼梯、走道和挡土墙。In the front yard, concrete was used for stairs, a walkway and a retaining wall.

为了绑扎集装箱,舱口之间要安排栅条型过道。For lashing of containers a grating type walkway will be arranged between hatches.

滨海区的许多地方都对游客开放,包括沿着海湾的一条长长的人行道。Much of the waterfront is open to visitors, including a long walkway along the bay.

为围栏附近的临时行人道提供充足照明设施。Sufficient lighting should be provided for the temporary walkway along the hoarding.

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这个300米长的长廊横梁上都被画上了优美的彩画。This 300-meter long, colorfully painted walkway is remarkable for having an upper deck.

当不对称布置时,索面布置在人行道的一侧。In the asymmetrical applications, the plane of the cables is at the edge of the walkway.

一个保护性的屋顶状遮蔽物,常用帆布制成,置于一个走廊或门的架上。A protective rooflike covering, often of canvas, mounted on a frame over a walkway or door.