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她谈话善转话锋。She has a mercurial turn of conversation.

水银石现在能抬寘在宝石包中。Mercurial Stone can now be put into Gem Bags.

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每个通道都有自己的Mercurial仓库。Each channel has its own Mercurial repository.

我们的欲望与嫌恶是变化无常的统治者。Our desires and aversions are mercurial rulers.

一个是不辞辛劳的实用主义者,另一个是机智善变的自由主义者。One is a hard-working pragmatist, the other a mercurial idealist.

永远没有必要相信那个他,因为他的善变会让你的胸口撕心裂肺。Never believe that he, for his mercurial will let your chest piercing.

变得像水银那样快,他天性善变,因此不可靠。Quick as quicksilver to change, he was mercurial in nature and therefore unreliable.

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很少有人能忍受迈克尔多变的性格,所以他的朋友未几。Few people can stand Michael's mercurial personality, so he does not have many friends.

玛拉的葬礼过后,卢克察觉到杰森心怀叵测。In the wake of Mara's funeral, Luke turned his attentions to Jacen and his mercurial motives.

简,别跟我捣乱。我对你的阴谋呵手段一清二楚。Don't play games with me, Nike Mercurial Vapor, Jane. I'm on to your tricks and manipulations.

即使是萨达特的追随者也对他的喜怒无常心怀畏惧,对他的离去长舒一口气。And even Sadat's fans grew to fear his increasingly mercurial temper and were relieved by his exit.

即使是萨达特的追随者也对他的喜怒无常心怀畏惧,对他的离去长舒一口气。And even Sadat’s fans grew to fear his increasingly mercurial temper and were relieved by his exit.

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散碳酸酯所造成的挡风玻璃非常坚忍,足以抵御鸟类的攻击,而且不会断裂。The polycarbonate windscreens can withstand the impact of birds, mercurial vapor, so they won't fracture.

坚强的外表下是一颗脆弱的心,你,为什么那么冷血?Under the strong semblance is a frail heart, you, Nike Mercurial Vapor Superfly III, why that cold blood?

首届闻声你对于我说“我爱你”,我的世界一霎时鲜花绽开。When the words "I love you" were said by you for the aboriginal time, nike mercurial vapor, my apple blooms.

虽然鲁尼上演了帽子戏法,但是真正照亮整个弗拉顿公园球场的是吉格斯他那机智的球风。Wayne Rooney may have scored a hat-trick but it was Giggs's mercurial presence that illuminated Fratton Park.

直到2008-09年下半年开始,安菲尔德目睹他大显神威,一周后。It wasn't until the latter half of 2008-09 that Anfield began witnessing his mercurial talent week in, week out.

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她意识到了自己是幽鬼墨丘利——其他所有的鬼影都只是她自我的阴影。She grasps that she is Mercurial the Spectre–and that all of her Haunts are but shadows of the one true Spectre.

一旦他们再度受伤,赖特菲利浦斯会以相同多变灵活的风格同防守队员在边路展开追逐。Should they be missing again, Wright-Phillips will be around to race at defenders in the same mercurial fashion.

这个女子,在他心里,真的就是可望而不可及的仙子。This woman , Nike Mercurial Vapor Superfly III FG, in his in the mind, really is an inaccessible beautiful woman.