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其他6人尚在候审。Six others await trial.

一个审判法庭上的法官。A judge in a trial court.

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我们打算再试一下。We purpose another trial.

他因盗窃罪受到审判。He was on trial for theft.

惆怅无人试宽窄。No trial melancholy width.

什么是试验注册?What is trial registration?

这个新办法正在试用。This new method is on trial.

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初审结束。The first trial is concluded.

请用相机试拍一下。Please take a photo for trial.

审判是在星期一开始的。The trial had begun on Monday.

一场审讯为双方而举行。A trial was held for both sider.

他选择了陪审团审判。He chose to stand trial by jury.

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后来警察将他释放,让他等候审判。Magni to await trial in freedom.

这里可以下载免费试用版。You can download the trial here.

每种产品都有一个试用版。Each product has a trial version.

他正因涉嫌偷窃而接受审判。He's standing trial for thieving.

重庆黑帮嫌犯接受审判。Mafia-style suspects put on trial.

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这是一个完整的计时赛项目。This is a full time trial project.

律师醉得一塌糊涂,因此审判被暂停。Atty so drunk that trial suspended.

休伊因谋杀罪正在等候审判。Huey was awaiting trial for murder.