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我很快就要和他一块走,我们的家庭将会一团糟。Our family will be deranged as I must soon follow him.

歌手会因为经历太多大场面而精神错乱。巡回演出就是我的一个问题。There's been a lot of hoo-ha about singers being deranged.

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该部惊悚片描绘了一个疯狂的连环杀手的作案经过。This thriller portrays the exploits of a deranged serial-killer.

遭受危险的看林人的离间搅乱了我的长期计划。The endangered ranger's estrangement deranged my long-range plan.

神经兮兮的小蘑菇头,喜欢布丁在嘴里融化的滋味。Deranged little mushroom head, like the taste of pudding melts in your mouth.

这种几乎疯狂的执着弥补了他个人魅力的缺乏。He made up for his lack of personal charm by an almost deranged relentlessness.

其中可能性最大的一个传言是杀手仅仅是一个被孤立的精神失常者。The most likely is that the killer was merely a deranged and isolated individual.

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荷兰警方相信这是一个疯狂的极端分子所为,但了解更多的其实另有其人。The Amsterdam police believe the killer is a deranged extremist, but others know better.

不过好玩的事情是,傻乎乎的、仅送过这一次的带有一幅没什么意义的图画的贺卡和一首可能是的疯疯颠颠的诗。But the funny thing is, daft, one-off card with a stupid picture and a deranged verse it might have been.

“我已经精神错乱了。你真的想任命我为你的代理人吗?”我带着自嘲的口气问。"I'm already deranged , are you sure you want to designate me as your deputy ?" I asked, deriding myself.

是这样的一个精神错乱的理想主义的证据,在苹果的原始的反文化的恢复力量的迷信?Was this evidence of a deranged idealism, a blind faith in the restorative power of Apple's original counter-culture?

所谓的历史在这一个瞬间凝结了,那些穿越时空的笑厣和群星幻灭的悲怆在此时汇集成了一首流传的哀歌。The history congealed at that moment, the deranged dimple and the disillusion depression were combinated into one dirge.

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这些病人组识摄取氧气的能力不足可能与其异常的新陈代谢有关。The observed reduction in tissue extraction of oxygen may be related to the development of deranged metabolism in ARDS and MOF.

在洛丹伦大陆,玩家将在暗牙要塞中冒险,那是被疯狂法师召唤出来的半兽狼蹂躏的城堡。In Lordaeron, players will adventure in Shadowfang Keep, a castle overrun with Worgen which were summoned by a deranged Archmage.

日本人也必须永远记着他们武士癫狂一般的固执还有他们犯下的已经被钉在历史的耻辱柱上的累累罪行。The Japanese must always remember their samurai's deranged toughness and the crimes they caused and committed are sealed in history.

Flanigan女士的演唱很精彩,但是这个角色应该是在精神上很不稳定的,所以这份甜蜜、温柔的咏叹调实际上破坏了戏剧的张力。Ms. Flanigan sings radiantly, but her character is supposed to be deranged. So this sweet, soft aria undermines the dramatic tension.

只有一个埃及古物学者和大学教授,走火入魔的怪人博士,也许能够阻止生物之前,为时已晚。Only an Egyptologist and a college professor, the deranged Dr. Frankenstein, may be able to stop the creatures before it"s too late."

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要么他们视女人为惊慌的兔子,要么他们用嘴唇紧紧裹住牙齿,就仿佛它们并非雪白如珍珠,而是又青又紫的。Either they leer at a woman like a deranged rabbit, or they're lip-wrapping their teeth like those pearly whites are purple and green.

一个典型的周末岸边以离奇变成神秘的新泽西松林中六的女孩和五讨厌的拳头泵成为一个精神错乱的杀手不知情的目标。A typical weekend down the shore takes a bizarre turn as six girls and five obnoxious fist-pumpers become the unsuspecting targets of a deranged killer.

当我们人类无法满足我们的本能需求,变得疯狂时,可能也会像这些动物一样重复刻板的行为。Like these animals, we humans may repeat stereotypic behaviors when we become deranged and lose our connection with the purpose we were born to fulfill.