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那怎样回答呢?How to answer it?

没人会回答你。Noone will answer.

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没有应问。There is no answer.

我们喜欢这个答案?We like that answer?

回答是点一下头。A nod was the answer.

让我看看你,小流氓!Answer me, you scamp!

黛拉没有回答。Della did not answer.

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你为什么不答话?Why don't you answer?

我刚接了个电话。I just answer a phone.

这回答干脆利落。It was a crisp answer.

罗尔斯的答案是,不!Rawls's answer is, no.

她没有答出来。She did not answer it.

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答案是没有一个。The answer is neither.

女孩笑而不答。Answer not girls laugh.

答案是所有这四类人。The answer is all four.

语音应答装置?。VAB? Voice Answer Back?

爸爸回响反映反应去到门心。Dad did answer the door.

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她的回答彻底把他压服了。Her answer finished him.

他的回答是得当的。His answer was apposite.

我灵机一动,想到了问题关键That told me the answer.