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把人本主义,心理学,符号学和设计糅合到一起,我们得到的是“交互设计”。Put together, humanism, psychology, semiotic and design.

红灯在这样的语境里,就有了它的意义。The red light is intelligible, in other words, within that semiotic system.

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本文试图对认知语言学作符号学分析。An attempt is made to analyze cognitive linguistics from a semiotic perspective.

这种双轴位移将导致符号的灾变和文化大劫。This hi-axial displacement will lead to semiotic disasters and cultural damages.

首先对苹果徽标和方正徽标的直指进行分析。In Chapter 5, a semiotic analysis of the Apple logo and the Founder logo is conducted.

美国哲学家皮尔士全面提出了符号学概念和研究范围。American philosopher Charles·S·Peirce fully advances the semiotic concepts and categories.

翻译涉及了原语语言和译语语言,实质上是一种符号转换。Translation involves source language and target language, it is a semiotic transformation.

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无症状性细菌尿常见于妊娠妇女、产妇及女孩。Without make water of semiotic sex bacterium common reach the girl at gravid woman, puerpera.

作为设计者的我们,学习运用符号学的工具,会使设计更具有效的功能。As designers we have to learn to use semiotic tools, will design a more effective performance.

艾柯不仅仅满足对符号学理论上的研究,而且还做出了积极的符号学实践。Eco doesn't satisfies the research of semiotic theory, he also practise the semiotic actively.

肠部淋巴结炎症怎么办?症状表现?饮食须注意?How does inflammation of alvine ministry lymph node do? Semiotic expression? Must food notice?

达尔文主义的符号学,用符号学来研究物种间的关系。There is a Darwinian semiotics, understanding the relationships among species in semiotic terms.

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头痛一般发生在前驱症状期和意识恢复期。Have a headache to produce advanced drive commonly semiotic period and recognizant convalescence.

一个符号系统诞生了,然而之前,昨天,或者就是一分钟前,根本就没有语言。You had a semiotic system, whereas before, yesterday, or a minute ago you had no language at all.

卡西尔的“符号学美学”理论是建立在他的人类文化哲学的体系之上的。Cassirer's theory of "semiotic aesthetics" is based on his philosophic system of ethnolinguistics.

第四个定义由拉康引入,他将弗洛伊德对象征化的符号定义往前推进。A fourth definition was introduced by Lacan who radicalized Freud's semiotic definition of symbolization.

它是一种语言,它属于一个特殊的语义系统,下面我来解释一下。It's a piece of language but it also belongs to other sorts of semiotic systems as we'll immediately see.

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读完符号学理论之后再去读上一本小说,那感觉如释重负。Reading a novel after reading semiotic theory was like jogging empty-handed after jogging with hand weights.

最后,总结出服饰色彩作为一个符号系统的跨文化传通的意义所在。Finally, it will summarize the meaning of intercultural communication of costume colour as a semiotic system.

本研究透过内容、叙事与符号学分析,瞭解电视新闻如何再现贫穷。This study aims to explore how TV news represents poverty by adopting content, narrative, and semiotic analysis.