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肾脏皮质内可见皮质迷路和髓放线。In cortex, cortical labyrinths and medullary rays exist.

根以皮层木栓化,代替表皮。The cortical corkification of the root replace epidermis.

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肾上腺皮质激素在治疗HNL方面疗效满意。Adrenal cortical hormone is effective in the treatment of HNL.

然而,我可以从皮层的切除学到宝贵的一课。However, there is one lesson we may learn from cortical excisions.

据认为言语和语言能力位于大脑皮层的哪几个区?In what cortical regions are speech and language thought to be localized?

皮层错构瘤因为状如土豆,称为“结节”。Cortical hemartomas are called "tubers" due to their potato-like appearance.

皮质中动脉和皮质深动脉可见喷泉样分支。There were some fountain-like rami in the middle and deep cortical branches.

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典型X线表现为气球状囊样透光区,骨皮质薄如蛋壳。X-ray presented with the balloon-like photic zone and very thin cortical bone.

游仆虫皮层细胞骨架立体结构的研究。SEM Study on the Stereoscopic Structures of Cortical Cytoskeleton in Euplotes sp.

结论黏液样肾上腺皮质肿瘤是罕见的肾上腺皮质肿瘤。Conclusions Myxoid adrenal cortical carcinoma is a rare tumor in the adrenocortex.

描述皮质主要和联结的区域的机能重要。Describe the functional importance of the primary and associational cortical areas.

目的检测参与踝关节背屈和跖屈运动的脑区。ObjectiveTo measure cortical areas involved ankle dorsiflexion and planter flexion.

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目的检测参与踝关节背屈和跖屈运动的脑区。ObjectiveTo measure cortical areas involved ankle dorsiflexion and planter flexion.

结论吡咯喹啉醌对谷氨酸诱发的皮层神经元损伤具有保护作用。Conclusions PQQ could protect cortical neurons from damage induced by glutamic acid.

最常见的白内障种类是皮质性和后囊的水晶体混浊。The most common types of cataract were cortical and posterior subcapsular opacities.

移植骨表面死亡的皮质骨并没有完全被新骨取代。The dead cortical bone of a graft is typically not completely replaced with new bone.

抗炎作用机制可能与肾上腺皮质激素有关。The mechanism of anti-inflammation is likely related to the adrenal cortical hormone.

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梅尔卡多认为,认知可塑性的结构基础是大脑皮质模块。Mercado argues that the structural basis of cognitive plasticity is the cortical module.

卵子受精后,发生皮层反应形成受精膜。After the egg fertilized, it Underwent cortical reaction and formed fertilization membrane.

皮层中有皮质小泡,受精后发生皮层反应。Cortexes possess cortical alveoli. Cortical reactions have taken place after fertilization.