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焚烧某人的肖像以泄恨。Burn a person in effigy.

通常,人们用旧报纸和爆竹装扮稻草人。This effigy is decorated with old newspapers and firecrackers.

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这和今天所谓的“雕像筑墩人”文化有关。It is connected with the culture known today as the Effigy Moundbuilders.

抗议者点燃了政府大楼和卡扎菲的肖像。Protesters set fire to government building and burned his likeness in effigy.

为了彻底告别这些不好的东西,每个家庭都会在午夜时分点火烧掉稻草人。To get rid of these bad things, every family lights an effigy on fire at midnight.

作为这一行业资深编辑,我还差点曾在克什米尔被烧成灰。As the senior editorial person in the region, I was even burned in effigy in Kashmir.

他正在塑造一幅到时候会用来装饰他自己坟墓的碑石肖像。He was modelling for the stone effigy which in the fullness of time would adorn his tomb.

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考古学家认为这些雕像墩可能标识着狩猎和采集的领地。Archaeologists believe the effigy mounds may have marked hunting and gathering territories.

每逢新年来临,巴拉圭人都会专门制作雕像,然后把雕像打扮成稻草人的样子。In Paraguay, people create an effigy and dress him up like a scarecrow when the new year comes.

一位从肯特郡一个小镇远道而来的球迷建造了一座50英尺高的史瑞克状鲁尼模拟雕像并将其焚毁,那是梦工厂式的抗议。One fan in the small town of Kent went so far as to build a 50-foot Rooney-as-Shrek effigy for a bonfire.

土著美洲人的木制肖像,拿着一簇雪茄,以前作为烟草商的标志。A wooden effigy of a Native American holding a cluster of cigars, formerly used as the emblem of a tobacconist.

1000多名示威者聚集在科伦坡的英国高等委员会门外,烧毁了英国外交部长米利班德的塑像。More than 1, 000 demonstrators gathered outside the British high commission, where protesters burned an effigy of Miliband.

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到乌鸦岭墓园北方小屋里找「亚伯克隆比」还任务“僵尸汁”并接后续任务“食尸鬼假人”,往西进入乌鸦岭大墓园。Go to Abercrombie and hand in "Juice Delivery" and get the follow up "Ghoulish Effigy " Head west towards the huge cemetery.

影片海滩即将在泰国举行首映式,而环境保护者计划届时焚烧好莱坞大众情人莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥的肖像。Environmentalists are planning to burn an effigy of Hollywood heart-throb Leonardo DiCaprio at the Thai premiere of The Beach.

进入大墓园东方的地下墓穴杀僵尸直到完成任务“食尸鬼假人”、“惩罚图腾”及“守夜人”。Enter the eastern catacomb and kill zombies until you complete "Ghoulish Effigy ", "The Totem of Infliction" and "The Night Watch".

他认为该慈善活动最初是由普列斯顿两姐妹发起的,糕饼上的肖像则是两位贫穷的寡妇。He stated that the charity was actually initiated by two sisters named Preston and that the effigy on the cake was that of two poor widows.

我们必须是自己思想的象徵符号的金钱兑换人,警觉地测试、验明他们的金属、重量及肖像真假。We have to be money changers of our own representations of our thoughts, vigilantly testing them, verifying them, their metal, weight, effigy.

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一名阿富汗示威者在持有期间楠格哈尔省,阿富汗,2011年4月4日美国牧师示范特里琼斯燃烧肖像。An Afghan protester holds a burning effigy of American pastor Terry Jones during a demonstration in Nangarhar province, Afghanistan, April 4, 2011.

俄国斯塔夫罗波尔市中心,众人围观并用手机拍摄下燃烧马斯勒尼沙肖像的一刻。Russians watch and take pictures with their mobile phones of a burning 'Maslenitsa' effigy during a celebration in central Stavropol March 5, 2006.

据我所知,当这些抗议者没有焚烧哪怕一个山姆大叔头像或者一面以色列国旗,而这是这些年来他们的统治者时不时就组织他们做的事情。To my knowledge these protesters have not burned a single effigy of Uncle Sam or Israeli flag as their rulers have intermittently teleprompted them to do over the years.