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我们有香皂和不加香水的肥皂。We have perfumed and unscented soap.

不含香料和没有香味有什么区别?What's the difference between fragrance-free and unscented?

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这是无气味,以便不会打扰你的狗的灵敏嗅觉。And it is unscented so won't bother your dog's sensitive sense of smell.

沙漠精华有机无香精香波是一款柔和但是非常有效的无香精香波。Desert Essence Organics Fragrance Free Shampoo is a gentle yet effective unscented shampoo.

这也是无味的奶油,并已在临床测试,证明是低过敏性。This cream is also unscented and has been clinically tested and proven to be hypoallergenic.

是一种低应变原的,无味、不粘、无污染的产品,不含羟基氯化铝。It is unscented , non-sticky, non-staining and hypoallergenic. It contains no aluminum chlorohydrate.

加州婴儿超级敏感型泡泡浴用纯的,无香型泡沫取代了香精油。California Baby Super Sensitive Bubble Bath eschews essential oils in favor of pure, unscented bubbles.

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茶梅香油,这款是使发部和身体散发香味的不贵的香油。Tea Rose Fragrance. Fragrances are an inexpensive way to perfume unscented hair products and Body Oils.

分析无迹卡尔曼滤波算法在倒立摆系统上应用的意义。Then the thesis analyzed the significance of applying unscented kalman filter to inverted pendulum system.

清除所有人工香味是必须的!只使用最高质量的精油和无香味的蜂蜡蜡烛。The removal of all artificial scents is a must! Use only the highest quality oils and unscented beeswax candles.

用手手艺打造的融合有机的黄油树脂,有机加州希蒙得木油,维生素E来舒缓和安抚宝宝的臀部。无香味。A handcrafted blend of organic shea butter, organic jojoba oil, and vitamin E to help soothe baby's bottom. Unscented.

本品无香味的黄油膏是经过冷压缩缩处理过的牛油树的种子,来保持所有的天然维生素和矿物质成分。Our Unscented Shea Butter is cold-pressed from seeds of the shea tree, to retain all of the natural vitamins and minerals.

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比较了扩展卡尔曼滤波和无迹卡尔曼滤波,选定无迹卡尔曼滤波为倒立摆控制系统的滤波算法。Then the thesis compared unscented kalman filter and extended kalman filter, and selected the former for inverted pendulum system.

为有效处理非线性,不敏卡尔曼滤波器被用于设计依赖假设的单元滤波器。To handle nonlinearity, unscented kalman filter is introduced into the design of the elemental filter that is hypothesis dependent.

用于敏感的皮肤,调节肤色,带来惬意的舒缓感觉。A soothing delicate unscented amber for use on sensitive, dry or irritated complexions . Men love its calming effects after shaving.

每四升水用一勺子的无味液体漂白剂,水应该用饮用水或者可用的最干净的水。Use one tablespoon of unscented liquid bleach for every four liters of water. Use drinking water or the cleanest, clearest water available.

为克服扩展卡尔曼滤波算法的缺陷,将UKF算法应用于纯方位目标跟踪问题中。For overcoming the shortcoming of extended Kalman filter, the paper applies unscented Kalman filter on bearing-only target tracking problem.

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为解决此矛盾,该文提出了一种基于有向图切换和无味卡尔曼滤波算法的变结构多模型算法。To resolve this contradiction, a variable structure multiple-model algorithm based on digraph switching and unscented Kalman filter is presented.

因此,这种释放负离子富硒无气味多功能饲料添加剂是绿色环保产品。Therefore, the selenium-enriched unscented multi-function feedstuff additive which discharges the anions is a green and environment-friendly product.

粒子滤波器是用随机样本来近似状态后验概率密度函数,适用于任何非线性非高斯系统。Unscented KF utilizes a set of definite samplings to approximate posterior probability density function, while particle filter uses random particles.