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它妨碍睾丸激素的分泌。It interferes with testosterone.

我的睾酮水平特别的高。My testosterone levels were extremely high.

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这样有助于多巴胺和睾丸素的分泌。It'll get the dopamine and testosterone flowing.

如果雄性激素有声音,它就就会是科莱里!If testosterone had a sound, it would be Corelli!

目的研究药物睾丸素中所含的杂质。Aim To study the impurity of the drug testosterone.

睾丸甾酮是一种雄性激素或雄性类固醇激素。Testosterone is an androgen or male steroid hormone.

目前较为理想的药物是口服睾酮类药物。At present the ideal drug is oral testosterone drugs.

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睾酮激素治疗能助你感觉年轻吗?Could testosterone therapy help you feel young again?

如果输了,睾丸酮水平就会骤降。If they lose, their testosterone levels will plummet.

他的睾丸激素和能量水平已重回正常。His testosterone and energy levels are back to normal.

但恋爱的妇女反而得到睾甾酮助力。Meanwhile, love-struck women get a testosterone boost.

男人们能够更快地练出肌肉得益于他们拥有睾丸素。Guys build muscles faster because they have testosterone.

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对于男性来说,睾丸激素低水平会导致骨量的流失。In men, low testosterone levels can cause a loss of bone mass.

比宙斯的睾丸有更多的球状睾丸素和电压More ball-based testosterone and voltage than Zeus's testicles.

而睾丸激素会增强男女双方的性冲动。Testosterone increases the sex drive in both males and females.

如果还没有,他会希望好好检查一下他的睾丸激素。If he hasn’t already, he’ll want to get his testosterone checked.

再次注入少量的睾丸激素能恢复力比多和肌肉。Resupplying limited testosterone restores libido and muscle mass.

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60岁男人大约有百分之八十仍然具有正常的睾丸激素水平。Around 8 in 10 60-year-olds still have normal testosterone levels.

正如其名称所示,睾酮素和性激素结合球蛋白相结合并使它毫无用处。As its name implies, SHBG binds testosterone and renders it useless.

随着男性变老,SHBG的攀升加速了睾丸激素的下降。The drop in testosterone as men age is magnified by the climb in SHBG.