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访问谷歌图书。Access Google Books.

基于门户的访问。Portal-based access.

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零距离接触谷歌。Access to Google proper.

授予访问映像的权限。Grant access to the image.

访问单用户模式。Access to single-user mode.

禁止拖、挂车通行。Trailers Access Prohibited.

不用撕纸,方便取用。Do not tear, easy to access.

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接入点开发工具包。Access point development kit.

你们有宽带接口吗?Do you have broadband access?

允许访问振动器。Allows access to the vibrator.

动态随机访问存储器。Dynamic Random- Access Memory.

我上网的理由很简单,不知道你是否相信。I'll get all the access I need.

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但是如何访问这些内容?But how do you access this data?

他是一个难接近的人。He is a man difficult of access.

限制对电子表单的访问Restricting access to the e-form

使用视图来控制数据访问Use views to control data access

st_atime——最后的访问时间st_atime -- the last access time

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世行拓宽信息获取渠道Bank Widens Access to Information

批量访问方法和驱动程序。The bulk access method and driver.

去那座岛很容易。The island is very easy of access.