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你的房间象冰库那么冷。Oh, your room is as cold as an icehouse.

难道里面有冰窖不成!Inside has the icehouse to be inadequate!

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后来,菜市挪到了冰窖口,即现在的107路公交车总站。Subsequently, the stock moved to the icehouse mouth, and now the 107 road transport vehicles terminus.

外祖父因为严重的支气管病辞去了制冰厂的工厂,暂时开了一家贩酒店。For a while after my grandfather quit the icehouse because of severe bronchial problems, he ran a liquor store.

有一段时间,外公因为严重的支气管炎辞掉了冰厂的活儿,开了家酒类贩卖店。For a while after my grandfather quit the icehouse because of severe bronchial problems, he ran a liquor store.

但是近代社会这种温泉式的家庭越来越成为稀有品种了,冰窖式、战场式、桑纳式的家庭反而直线上升。But now happy family is getting quite rare, families like icehouse , battle and sauna are getting more and more.

看到中国中产阶级的现状,笔者有一种沉于冰窖底部的凄冷和悲凉。Chinese middle class to see the current situation, there is a writer in Shenyang at the bottom of the icehouse Qileng and desolate.

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在崎岖的道路上,经过长途跋涉,记者来到亚当斯博物馆的考古夏令营。It's a long, rough ride to the site of the Adams Museum's summer archeology camp, a former icehouse on the hills surrounding Deadwood.

白垩纪并非一直处于温室气候状态,存在着冰室气候间断。As we know, there had been in "greenhouse" climate in Cretaceous which was interrupted by " icehouse " climate in some epochs of both Early and Late Cretaceous.

短短的一个月,却如在冰窖里的一年,绝望没人理,无助没人管,我累了.再也无法再爬起来把头仰的高高的。A short month, like in an icehouse year, despairs actually nobody principle, the no use to nobody tube, I was tired. also have been unable to crawl again again supinely high.

与现今地球“冰室”状态相比,温室状态下的气候和海洋遵循着不同的运行模式。Observations and ocean models suggest that the climate system and oceanic dynamics during the greenhouse Cretaceous were quite different from their present icehouse patterns.

当外祖父母搬离只有百来人的博德科镇,来到大市镇霍普镇时,外公在一家制冰厂找了份活儿,赶马车送冰。When my grandparents moved from Bodcaw, which had a population of about a hundred, to the metropolis Hope, Papaw worked for an icehouse delivering ice on a horse-drawn wagon.

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当外祖父母搬离只有百来人的博德科,来到大城市霍普镇时,老外公在一家制冰厂找了份活儿,赶马车送冰。When my grandparents moved from Bodcaw, which had a population of about a hundred, to the metropolis Hope, Papaw worked for an icehouse delivering ice on a horse-drawn wagon.

科学家们也想弄明白,在500万年前,地球气候变冷,由“温室”变成“冰室”的时候,当地的森林出现了怎样的反应。The scientists also want to get a better idea of how the local forest responded as the planet cooled around five million years ago, changing from "greenhouse" to "icehouse" conditions.