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你好,我是是安德鲁·詹宁斯。Hello, I'm Andrew Jennings.

这回轮到我来点破埃兹拉·吉宁士了。It was my turn, now, to enlighten Ezra Jennings.

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杰宁斯称,近日大雨的冲击是“戏剧性的”。Mr Jennings said that the impact of the heavy rains was “dramatic”.

黄昏时分,巴勒斯和詹宁斯来到井下,开始仔细察看老矿区。Barras and Jennings went down and began to explore the old workings.

该项游戏传奇人物肯詹宁斯和布拉德拉特将与沃森来一场表演赛!legends Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter in an exhibition round of Jeopardy!

但詹宁斯也鼓励那些求职的学生保持乐观的心态。But Jennings is encouraging those who want to find jobs to stay positive.

詹宁斯太太很快回来了,一接到信便大声读了起来。Mrs. Jennings soon appeared, and the note being given her, she read it aloud.

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1998年,拉里詹宁斯是在西班牙埃斯科里亚尔研究的课题之一。In 1998, Larry Jennings was one of the topics studied at the Escorial in Spain.

吉恩与博比的女儿雪莉。詹宁斯为父母买来星巴克Frappacino。Sheri Jennings bring Starbucks Frappacino to per parents Gene and Bobbie Bonti.

詹宁斯开始对如何解决这一问题提出建议,但巴勒斯却不予理睬。Jennings began to suggest ways to deal with the problem, but Barras did not listen.

黄昏时分,巴勒斯和詹宁斯来到井下,开始仔细察看老矿区。In the evening, Barras and Jennings went down and began to explore the old workings.

“到城里去!”詹宁斯太太大声嚷道,“在这个时节,你到城里会有什么贵干?”"In town! " cried Mrs. Jennings. "What can you have to do in town at this time of year?"

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库尔特·詹宁斯以为他曾经预备好答复面试中的任何成绩。Kurt jennings thought he was prepared to answer any question during his recent interview.

雄鹿在五次乐透区中所选的球员里,仅仅只要安德鲁·博格特和詹宁斯依然留在队中。Of the five lottery selections, only Andrew Bogut and Brandon Jennings remain with the team.

就像威廉·詹宁斯·布莱恩说的那样,我们不能把我们的经济钉在橡胶十字架上。To paraphrase William Jennings Bryan, we must not crucify our economies upon a cross of rubber.

“这些植物的生境很容易受到干扰,”Jennings先生解释说。"The habitats that the plants are found in are quite easily disturbed, " Mr Jennings explained.

从威廉.詹宁斯.布莱恩开始,民粹主义的历史可以说是一部失败的历史。The history of populism, going back to William Jennings Bryan, is generally a history of defeat.

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其他穿过北伦敦分隔线的球员通常受到球迷相等程度的爱戴和仇恨,但是詹宁斯没有。Others who have crossed the divide tend to be loved and hated in equal measure , but not Jennings.

“他是个伟大的斗士,”詹宁斯说,“他是我所碰到的出拳最狠的拳手。He's a great fighter, " Jennings said. "He's the hardest puncher I've ever faced. He's very deceiving.

这令人想起了1896年的大选,当威廉麦金利对决威廉詹宁斯布赖恩。This is very reminiscent of the election of 1896, when William McKinley ran against William Jennings Bryan.