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小牛咩咩叫。A calf bleats.

这头母牛早产了。The cow cast a calf.

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好母牛难免产劣犊。The cow cast her calf.

山羊用角抵小牛。The goat bunted the calf.

小崽很侥幸地逃过一劫。The calf had a lucky escape.

还因为你的小腿肚的抽搐。And because your calf twitches.

第二枪打中了她妻子的小腿。The second hit his wife's calf.

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小牛用鼻子摩擦它的母亲。The calf is nuzzling its mother.

他小腿肚肌肉拉伤。He suffered a pulled calf muscle.

2006年,出身于土耳其恰纳卡莱的牛犊。Calf Born in Canakkale, Turkey, 2006

这只小牛犊长着黑色的皮毛,显得高贵庄严。This calf was of a noble dark color.

初生牛犊不怕虎。The newborn calf fears not the tiger.

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邋遢小牛的运气如何,谁也不知道.No one knows the luck of a lousy calf.

邋遢小牛的运气如何,谁也不知道.No one knows the luck of a lousy calf.

我们没时间做更好的饭菜来招待你。We didn't have time to kill fatted calf.

你也可以在台阶上做站立提踵。You can also perform calf raises on a step.

其中一个女孩正在为他擦拭着小腿。One of the nymphs rubs her calf with a cloth.

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开花弹撕成碎片的小牛燃烧过我的长靴。Shrapnel-shredded calf burns through my boot.

天啊!无肉不欢的牛吃印度鸡。Holy cow! Meat-loving calf eats Indian chickens.

颈部皮肤的犊牛皮革和山羊内政。Neck skin of calf leather and goatskin interior.