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我爱你们!Love ya.

白涯涯的黄沙。Ya Ya white sand.

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衙去再说。The Ya says again.

我是快乐的亚宁。I am happy Ya Ning.

看,宝贝,我需要你。See, baby, I need ya.

史丹利,你看到这个了吗?Stanley, ya see this?

叶亚来?他是谁啊?Ye Ya Lai? Who is he?

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当然了,康妮,我会帮你的。Sure Connie, I'll help ya.

现在我已经不信任你了。Ya no tengo confianza en ti.

几十年后在那见啊。See ya there in a few decades.

力大无比的二丫起了主要效果。Herculean ya up two main effect.

这该死的对讲机,你去叫他来。Damn walkies. Go ge him, will ya?

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李艳听得多么刻意啊!How carefully Li Ya very listens!

这里是伯牙弹琴的地方。This is where Bo Ya played his Qin.

这就是岩石,就是如此坚硬。If ya smell what The Rock is cookin.

喂,莫西,你今天觉得怎么样?Well, Mosie, how ya doing today, huh?

一天,总有一天,我会遇见你。One way, or another, I'm gonna see ya.

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三亚旅游好在哪?为啥要选择三亚?Which does San Ya tour'advantages are?

难道是那整个疯狂的季节把你给整垮了吗?Does that whole mad season got ya down?

这些坏男孩不遐爸爸的夹头!These bad boys ain't ya daddy's Chucks!