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文出口磨损。Coven export wear.

穿着感从文。Dress sense from Coven.

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我觉得那里是个吸血鬼的聚集地。I think that it's a vampire coven.

我认为这件很适合你周末的会面。I think this is perfect for your weekly meetings at the coven.

所以我猜她的巫会应当能从这个经历中得到一些安慰。So I guess her coven ought to be able to derive some comfort from this experience.

Volturi是意大利的吸血鬼家族,被认为是吸血鬼中的皇族。The Volturi are an Italian coven of vampires, considered the Royal Family of blood-suckers.

好了,所以她的美国科文和萨凡纳监护人的领导人,一个十几岁的女儿黑巫婆。Okay, so she's leader of the American Coven and guardian of Savannah, the teenage daughter of a black witch.

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这些女巫会是不为外人所见的。我所听过的最近的传闻是在几年前,晨风的某处有人见到了一个女巫会。The covens are hidden to outsiders. The last I heard rumors of was a coven seen somewhere in Morrowind, years ago.

可是,COVEN不能除去他亲人的形象,不能除去他自己有这个遗传基因的可能性,噢,金微。However, COVEN can not remove the image of his relatives, he has not removed the possibility of genetic , Oh, micro-payments.

一个女人在一场车祸中失去了她未出生的孩子,却发现自己被一群恶魔崇拜着…A woman recovering from a car accident in which she lost her unborn child finds herself pursued by a coven of devil worshipers.

根据一个迷信说法,莎士比亚自己从一个真实的女巫大集会上得到词藻,他看了表演后对她们的肖像没有映像。According to one superstition, Shakespeare himself got the words from a coven of real witches, who, after seeing the play weren’t impressed by their portrayal.