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我有一个美版的松下随身听。I have one USA version PCDP from Panasonic.

松下需要固定在任何未来GF2系列这一点。Panasonic needs to fix this in any future GF2.

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松下电器公司的创始人松下幸之助说。Konosuke Matsushita, founder of the Panasonic Company.

我们用轮询的方式在松下电话系统下运行起所有的电话。We ran them on a panasonic phone system with rollovers.

松下在解决其它事项时可能有一段更困难的时间。Panasonic could have a tougher time resolving other issues.

这也为松下赢得了新的目标群体。As such it helped to attract new target groups for Panasonic.

松下的新产品NI-G15E的市场份额停止增长。Market share of Panasonic new product, NI-G15E, stopped growing.

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松下电子部品主要生产扬声器。Panasonic Electronic Devices Co. , Ltd. mainly produces speakers.

LG显示的客户则主要是飞利浦、LG、松下和东芝。The clients of LG Display are Philips, LG, Panasonic and Toshiba.

根据正业国际的招股说明书,日本松下电器公司也是该公司客户。Panasonic of Japan is also a client, according to Zhengye’s prospectus.

松下支付垂注,操作简易在设计GF1系列。Panasonic paid meticulous attention to operating ease when designing the GF1.

松下和索尼已经在视频数字相机市场大玩家。Panasonic and Sony are already BIG players in the video digital camera market.

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电子产品制造商松下电器前景乐观,增加了市场信心。An encouraging outlook for electronics maker Panasonic lifted market sentiment.

松下公司计划于明年开始销售针对疗养院和医院的版本。Panasonic plans to start sales next year, targeting nursing homes and hospitals.

此信息将被张贴到松下Lumix全球网站很快很快。This information will be posted to the Panasonic LUMIX Global Site soon very soon.

松下明年计划招聘1390名毕业生中,只有290名日本人。Of the 1,390 new graduates Panasonic plans to hire next year, only 290 are Japanese.

在过去的几年里松下确实听了很多人,包括我自己。In the last few years Panasonic have really listened to many people, myself included.

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松下明年计划招聘1390名毕业生中,只有290名日本人。Of the 1, 390 new graduates Panasonic plans to hire next year, only 290 are Japanese.

现场的全球品牌“的VIERA”,旗舰等离子平板电视的松下。The global branding site for "VIERA", the flagship plasma flat-panel TV by Panasonic.

“你不能指望松下由一己之力完全改变日本文化,”她说。"You can't expect Panasonic to completely change Japanese culture by itself, " she said.