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柔能克刚。Softness can overcome strength.

右膝保持柔软。Right knee to maintain softness.

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丝绒质地更加柔软,尺寸也更大。Velour provides extra softness and size.

我感觉到她坚实的身体和与我温柔的接触。I felt her solid body and her softness next to me.

一丝温柔悄悄地潜入了我已结了战争痂的心。A bit of softness crept into my battle-scabbed heart.

层次分明的偏分会让你看起来更柔和一些。A sweeping style with layers adds softness to your look.

在质量、光泽及柔软性方面,大豆丝绸都很有价值。Soy Silk is valued for its quality, shine, and softness.

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用后,感觉持久的柔软润泽!After use, you will feel longlasting softness and moisture!

斜纹真丝混纺水嫩柔软坚固的结构。Silk twill blends sturdy construction with supple softness.

她不能控诉我说我表示过一点虚伪的温柔。She cannot accuse me of showing a bit of deceitful softness.

他们柔软的皮肤使妈妈把所有的心思都花在他们身上。The softness of their skin got them all their mom’s attention.

我刚柔并济,活泼大方,愿意结交更多的朋友。With softness and strength, i would like to make more friends.

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毛绒摇粒绒长袍笼罩了柔软和温暖的身体。Plush poly fleece robe envelops the body in softness and warmth.

所以,要在练拳时找这松软的感觉。Therefore, we must seek the sensation of relaxation and softness.

不过,俺既学不来少林之刚猛,又受不了太极之柔韧。But I can stand neither Shaolin's strongness nor Taiji's softness.

像凯蒂·霍尔姆斯一样下颌有棱角的人,眉型柔和是关键。For someone with an angular jaw like Katie Holmes, Softness is key.

我们拨开细胞并定量地测量其柔软度。We're poking and quantitatively measuring the softness of the cells.

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他从她低柔的声音里感到一种距离很近的信赖。In the softness of her voice he could feel her trust and her nearness.

无论枕芯还是枕套都是极柔软舒适的材料。Both the pillow core and pillow case are with great softness and comfort.

他的手指甲和他那柔软温暖的皮肤使她大为惊异。She was amazed by his fingernails and the softness and warmth of his skin.