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该公司快要破产了。The company is on the verge of insolvency.

高企的国度债务将他们逼至破产的边缘。High national debt brings them to the edge of insolvency.

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你真愿意在一种模式的基础上冒国家破产的风险吗?Are you really willing to risk national insolvency on the basis of a model?

拉姆专长跨国债务重组、资不抵债和公司财务的问题。Lam specializes in cross-border debt restructuring, insolvency and corporate finance.

在转让方雇主处于破产程序下时,那些东西不能转让?。What does not transfer where the transferor employer is subject to insolvency proceedings?

当然,这一形势将揭露许多无力清偿债务的金融企业。Of course, this form of truth-telling would have revealed insolvency at many financial firms.

除此之外,像大家看到的通用汽车这样的老牌工业公司就濒临破产。The alternative, as everyone saw with old-line industrial companies like General Motors, is insolvency.

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董事会希望我们做的是,不要告诉楼下的人们我们来这里是为了做破产计划。What the board didn't want us to do is tell people on the floor that we were there to plan for insolvency.

第三章着重论述了跨境破产管辖权冲突的解决途径。Chapter 3 emphasizes discussion of the solution to the jurisdictional conflicts in cross-border insolvency.

具有讽刺意义的是,在困难之际,“野蛮的遗迹”的重新估价可以解救美联储以免破产。It is ironic that in troubled times a revaluation of the " barbarous relic" could save the Fed from insolvency.

但托玛琳逊破产公司负责人托玛琳逊表示这种下滑并不意味着破产有开始下降的趋势。But Alan Tomlinson of insolvency specialists Tomlinsons said this dip was not the start of a new downward trend.

在欧洲,德国出口和工业生产大幅下滑,该国一家顶级零售商也于周二申请破产.In Europe, German exports and industry output tumbled and one of its top retailers filed for insolvency on Tuesday.

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此后,我们会介绍旧法关于破产管理人或清算小组角色的相关规定。After that the old role of the insolvency administrator will be shown, or better the old role of the liquidation group.

之后的一年,他警告了布什政府美国的几个大银行将很有可能处在资不抵债的边缘。Later that year, he warned the Bush Administration that many of the world’s largest banks were on the verge of insolvency.

中国旧的企业破产法早已“时过境迁”,新企业破产法体现了立法者的共识。The old factory Insolvency Law of China has been out of date, while the new one shows the common idea of the legis-laters.

我在跟密歇根的一个朋友聊天的时候,脑子里就想着这件事。我们讨论了底特律的贫穷、犯罪、人口减少和无力偿债等情况。With that in mind, I was talking to a friend in Michigan. We discussed Detroit's poverty, crime, depopulation and insolvency.

结合中国实际,深入研究我国破产法的域外效力问题,具有重要的理论与实践意义。Researches on the extraterritorial effect of insolvency combined with Chinese situation are valuable to both theory and practice.

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跨国破产虽然面临着诸多难题,但就此开展国际合作已成为各国的普遍共识。Although the cross-border insolvency faces many problems, international cooperation in this regard has become a universal consensus.

根据该项计划,这些破产从业员的酬金由公帑资助,但设有订明限额。Under the scheme, these insolvency practitioners' remuneration would be subsidised by the government funds up to a prescribed limit.

这种金融“把戏”于1929年划上休止符,导致房市崩溃,房贷资不抵债很快波及银行体系。That financial juggling act ended in 1929, resulting in the crash, and household insolvency immediately spilled into the banking system.