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多甜的水啊!What sweat water!

甜蜜夏日,香汗伶俐。Sweet summer sweat.

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我醒来时浑身是汗。I woke up in a sweat.

我出了一身汗。I'm covered in sweat.

你全身都能流汗吗?Do you sweat all over?

他一定会后悔的。He shall sweat for it.

他在淌汗。He was dripping sweat.

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汗是一种排泄物。Sweat is an excretion.

他全身汗水淋漓。He was bathed in sweat.

我们在中午流了好多汗!We sweat a lot at noon!

你或许会开始出汗。You may begin to sweat.

皮肤出汗。The skin excretes sweat.

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他浑身是汗。He is covered with sweat.

他浑身是汗。He was drenched in sweat.

汗水从他头上滴落下来。His head dripped in sweat.

汗水湿透了他的全身。Sweat soused him all over.

浑身汗水的马匹。A horse reeking with sweat.

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棉手套吸汗。Cotton gloves absorb sweat.

我觉得这毫无乐趣可言。No sweat --or so I thought.

他额上满是汗珠。Sweat pearled his forehead.