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在舒张期其可视长度比收缩期长。The length in the diastole was bigger than that in the systole.

在舒张期其可视长度比收缩期长。The length in the diastole was bigger than that in the systole.

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其形态于收缩期较舒张期更为椭圆。The mitral annulus was more planar and elliptical in systole than in diastole.

离体心脏的心肌射频信号强度收缩期和舒张期之间也存在这种差异。Intensity of radio signal also had this variation between in diastole and in systole.

结论正常妊娠母体孕晚期舒张功能轻度减低。Conclusions In later pregnancy, left cardiovascular diastole function slightly decreases.

心音信号是心脏在舒张和收缩运动中心肌、血液和瓣膜等机械振动产生的复合音。Heart sound signal is a compound sound of blood fluxion in heart systolic and diastole phase.

心脏运动的势函数模型是以收缩末和舒张末为节点的尖点突变的形式来表示的。The heart beating model is described as cusp catastrophe with end node of systole and diastole.

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回流性杂音一般出现于舒张早期,而心室充盈性杂音一般出现于舒张中晚期。Regurgitant murmurs are generally early diastolic whereas ventricular filling murmurs occur in mid and late diastole.

“钾维普”停搏液停搏的心脏缺血期间基础张力降低,有利于缺血心肌的保护。"KVP" cardioplegic solution can lower diastole of the ischemic hearts, is beneficial for ischemic myocardial protection.

该方法对左心室心肌舒张功能的评估更加敏感,优于传统的二尖瓣口血流法。This method that can sensibly evaluate diastole function of left ventricle is better than traditional mitral flow method.

最大二尖瓣环面积指数发生于舒张晚期,最小二尖瓣环面积指数发生于收缩中期。The mitral annular area index was increased in diastole, to a maximum in late diastole and decreased to a minimum in mid-systole.

心脏超音波影像可见肿瘤依附左心房后壁,于舒张期阻塞二尖瓣开口突入左心室。Echocardiography demonstrated a mass attached to the posterior left atrial wall protruding into the mitral orifice during diastole.

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间歇训练组表现肌节缩短,显示舒张不完全,训练效果欠佳。In the interval training group their myomere were shortened, showing an incomplete diastole. Training effects were not good enough.

骨骼肌附在骨上,在神经支配下进行收缩和舒张,牵拉骨产生运动。Attached to the bone, and controlled by the innervations, skeletal muscles contract and diastole to move the bones to produce movement.

此处,还发现茶叶中的咖啡碱和儿茶素类能使血管壁松弛,增加血管的有效直径,通过血管舒张而使血压下降。In addition, it is found that caffeine and catechin in dark tea can soften vessel and diastole vessel to realize blood pressure reduction.

采用彩色M型多普勒测FPV是较正确评价左室舒张功能的一种新指标。Measuring FPV with color M-mode Doppler echocardiography is a new index which can evaluate the diastole function of left ventricular exactly.

方法采用彩色多普勒超声对42例糖尿病患者和40例正常人的左室收缩及舒张功能进行测定。Methods The functions of left ventricle in systole and diastole were detected by color Doppler supersonic in 42 diabetic and 40 normal cases.

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不一会儿,你就能通过单项测量或者三项测量的平均,看到自己的心率和心脏收缩、扩张期。Moments later, you'll see your heart rate, Systole and Diastole -- based on either a single measurement or the average of three measurements in a row.

结论强心合剂不仅改善实验性大鼠心脏收缩功能,而且改善舒张功能,减轻脏器充血。CONCLUSION Qiangxin Mixture can not only improve the systole function of the experimental rats, but also improve the diastole function and relieve congestion.

由于心脏不断地进行有节奏的收缩和舒张活动,血液才能在闭锁的循环系统中不停地流动。Because the heart undertakes having the systole of rhythm and diastole activity ceaselessly, haemal ability keeps flowing in the circulatory system of closedown.