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这嘶嘶声真使我难受。That hissing gets on my nerves.

蒸汽漏出来时发出嘶嘶的声音。The steam escaped with a hissing sound.

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散热器也开始了发出轻轻的嘶嘶声。The radiators began their quiet hissing.

他将炽热的铁“咝”地一声扔进冷水里。He threw the hot iron hissing into cold water.

辣的,火焰发出的嘶嘶声更大了。Her eyes burned and flames were hissing louder.

煤气从破管道中嘶嘶泄出。Gas escaped with a hissing noise from the broken pipe.

他耳朵里还听得萨萨萨的声音和屑索屑索的怪声。His ears were still hissing with the rustle of the leaves.

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不过他能够听到岩浆湖嘶嘶的冒气声,还能闻到它发出的刺鼻气味。But he could hear its hissing gases and smell its acrid fumes.

让他们生活在自己选择的焰火咝咝飞溅的世界中吧。Let them live who choose in their own hissing world of fireworks.

从外面而来的蒸汽的嘶嘶声以及金属的嘎吱声。From outside came the sounds of hissing steam and squeaking metal.

当蟑螂被肉食性动物威胁时,会发出更大的声响。When threatened by a predator, hissing cockroaches make loud hisses.

理想的,你应该可以听见,这样的呼吸产生了柔和的咝咝声。Ideally, this will create, and you should hear, a soft hissing sound.

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在面临领土和配偶争夺竞争时,它们还会发出嘶嘶声来阻吓对手。They also produce a hissing noise when protecting their territory and mates.

蛇的吐舌声会凶猛的突击这个世界。The hissing of the serpent shall strike back at this world with unexpected ferocity.

我在四楼看到各种各样的鱼在锅里烧得咝咝作响。On the fourth flight, I saw fishes in a pan, which were hissing and baking themselves.

四周雪花乱舞,象沙子发出丝丝的声音,我们还在滑雪。Snow whirled around us in bitter, blinding squalls, hissing like sand, and still we skied.

默多克的嘴角又浮现出那个不出声的笑,喉咙深处哼一声。Murdoch's mouth made the shape again, and a slight hissing sounded in the back of his throat.

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之后他袭击了躺在床上的女子,撕咬她并发出吼叫、嘶嘶的声音。Bensley made growling and hissing noises while biting and hitting the woman in her bed, Heyse said.

昆虫网络直播并不流行,但也有一些例外,比如一种马达加斯加的发声蟑螂。Insect webcams are not so popular, but a few exist, including one of Madagascar hissing cockroaches.

我听见有嘶嘶声音,仔细一看,原来我的半盏茶已被魔鬼喝掉。I heard a hissing sound, look carefully, the original half of my cup of tea drink has been the devil.