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所有的RAC都分配掉后,剩下的乘客就在等待名单里排队。After all RAC places have been allocated, further prospective passengers are waitlisted.

本文报导用离子束刻蚀反射栅色散延迟线栅条以及深度加权技术。The ion beam etching process of RAC gratings is reported and the depth weighting technique is also described.

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建立了再生骨料混凝土弹性模量与立方体抗压强度的相关关系式。An empirical equation describing the relationship of elastic modulus and compressive strength of RAC is obtained.

另外,只要RAC成功连接远程的RAS,网络管理员就能够透过RAC远程管理在不同地方的客户端。Also, network administrator can manage clients in different sites remotely through RAC once it is connected to RAS.

英国皇家飞行俱乐部基金会的早期研究发现,驾驶员开车时听音乐闯红灯的可能性是不听音乐时的两倍。Earlier research by the RAC Foundation found drivers were twice as likely to skip a red light while listening to music.

“英国皇家飞行俱乐部基金会”开展的另一项调查显示,在18岁至24岁的受访者中,近一半的人承认自己在开车时发过短信。Nearly half of all 18-24 year-olds admitted to texting as they drove, a separate survey by the RAC Foundation discovered.

根据统计分析和贝叶斯估计结果,建议了强度等级为C20和C30再生混凝土抗压强度的标准值与标准差的取值。Based on the results of Bayes estimations, the standard deviations for the compressive strength of RAC with strength grades of C20 and C30 were proposed.

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在与这些开发者的交流中,SpringSource发现很多开发者都没有充分利用到RAC特性的优势,例如数据类型和失败转移的支持。Based on their interactions with these developers SpringSource has found that many are not taking advantage of RAC features such as data types and fail over support.

英国皇家飞行俱乐部基金会常务理事埃德蒙·金说,研究显示“驾车时听吵闹的音乐不仅惹人讨厌,还有可能导致交通事故的发生。”Edmund King, the RAC Foundation's executive director, said the study showed that "not only is loud music a nuisance to others, it could also be the cause of accidents".

炼锡电弧炉计算机控制系统设计包括硬件设计和软件设计,本文主要介绍软件总体设计及其主要PID控制算法的设计。the system of computer controling rac furnace for smelting tin contains hardware and software, this article introduces the software in total design and its main PID algorithm.

此算法首先结合RAC和K-均值聚类方法对未知模型的特征点进行预匹配,得到的匹配结果称为聚类点集。Firstly, RAC and K-means clustering method are combined in this algorithm by the way of searching pre-matches feature points, which are called the cluster point set, of the unknown model.

在建立了莱克多巴胺酶联免疫检测方法的基础上,还研究建立了莱克多巴胺化学发光酶免疫分析方法,对实现莱克多巴胺的高灵敏度、快速检测具有重要意义。In the end, the RAC chemiluminescent immunoassay was studied primarily on the basic of the RAC-ELISA development. It's important for the development of more sensitive determination method of RAC.