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属于、有关或靠近尾骨。of or relating to or near the coccyx.

晃动骨盆向上,尾骨朝上。Rock pelvis upward so coccyx moves upward.

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弯曲下背部使尾骨移向天花板。Flex low back so coccyx moves up toward ceiling.

伸展下背部使尾骨向下靠近垫子。Extend low back so coccyx moves downward toward mat.

尾骨血液供应较差,营养动脉主要由腹侧面进入。It enters the coccyx mainly through the ventral surface.

尾骨是人类尾巴的遗留物。The coccyx is the remnant of what was once a human tail.

尾椎骨是我们曾经有的那条长尾巴的遗迹。The coccyx is the remnant of what was once a human tail.

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影像资料研究显示尾骨区有一囊性占位。Image studies demonstrated a cystic lesion of the coccyx.

你的气长期地蛰伏在尾椎处,我以适合的音符将之唤醒。Your Qi hibernates in coccyx for long time. I arouse it by proper notes.

肩胛骨稳定向背部延伸尾骨向地板,将背部微微向上顶成弓形。Firm your scapulas against your back torso, lengthen your coccyx toward the floor, and arch your upper torso back slightly.

把肩胛稳固于躯干后侧,向地板方向拉长尾骨,并把躯干上部往后轻轻地拱起。Firm your scapulas against your back torso, lengthen your coccyx toward the floor, and arch your upper torso back slightly.

尾骨处结节组织病理显示大量的黄瘤细胞和纤维增生。The histopathologic picture of the nodule over the coccyx showed numerous xanthoma cells and some fibroblastic proliferations.

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此类患者应少坐于枕上或其他支持物上,以免增加尾骨部压力,加重症状。These patients should be few sitting on the pillow or other support the thing on, lest increase the pressure, aggravate symptoms coccyx.

当看到一位男性时装编辑在他的超紧身牛仔裤外面加了一双保暖袜套时,你不至于笑得从椅子上跌下来。You notice a male Fashion Editor wearing leg warmers over his black Superfines and you don't fall off her seat and laugh as hard that you break your coccyx.