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这支球队经历了一个失败的令人失望的赛季。The team had a very disappointing winless season.

阿森纳在过去七个联赛客场中没有胜绩。The Gunners are winless in their last seven away league matches.

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第二男主角,作为布里尼军,本领是第一流的,性格坦率。The second man, as a winless Army, skill is the best, character frank.

阿森纳在过去七个联赛客场中没有胜绩。Arsenal The Gunners are winless in their last seven away league matches.

他们在上半场结束的时候还是以9分的优势领先的,但是最终却以93-90的分数输掉了比赛。They also blew a nine-point second-half lead and remained winless on the road with a 93-90 loss.

达拉斯牛仔队和卡罗莱纳美洲豹队并列倒数第二,仅领先于还未赢过球的水牛城比尔队。The Cowboys share the 2nd-worst record in the NFL with the Carolina Panthers, only ahead of the winless Buffalo Bills.

这就是安切诺迪脸上的表情,切尔西终于以一场不光彩的胜利结束了自己的6场无胜利的记录。That was the look on Carlo Ancelotti's face after Chelsea stopped a run of six winless games with a very streaky victory.

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至于米兰,相反的,伴随着上星期在圣西罗球场与拉齐奥的2-2,在联赛中依然不胜。As for Milan, the reverse saw them remain winless in the league following their 2-2 draw with Lazio at San Siro last weekend.

费城已经失去了三个本赛季首次连败,现在将尽量避免一个冠军三场客场之旅。Philadelphia has lost three straight for the first time this season, and will now try to avoid a winless three-game road trip.

他们将会在今天回到训练场,为了备战周三在斯台普斯中心对阵一场未胜的快船。They will return to the practice court today in order to prepare for Wednesday's game against the winless Clippers at Staples Center.

这场关键的胜利终于结束了可怕的连续8轮不胜的纪录,也为首都球队刚过去的动荡不安的一周画上了休止符。The crucial victory put an end to an awful8game winless run and drew a line under what had been a turbulent week for the capital city club.

这位苏格兰人还表示,他从来没有怀疑过李韦斯特伍德的能力,即使是在2004年到2006年之间他经历的没有一场胜利的低谷时期。The Scot also said that he never doubted Westwood's ability, even when he endured his lowest point during a winless period between 2004 and 2006.

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麦迪,职业生涯的头五次季后赛均未获胜,说道当他被死死看住的时候,火箭的角色球员们如果不站出来的话事情将非常困难。McGrady, who is winless in five career playoff series, said things will be difficult if Houston's role players don't step up when he's being trapped.

自从1999年十二月的南非公开赛他几乎要结束他的第一个没有赢球的一年,但最后被同胞埃尔斯打败。He came desperately close to avoiding his first winless year since 1999 at the South African Open in December, but was denied by compatriot Ernie Els.

伍兹正经历了人生第一个没有任何胜利的赛季,虽然他表现出强烈迹象要转战雪佛龙世界挑战赛。Woods is coming off the first winless season of his career, although he showed strong signs of turning his game around at the Chevron World Challenge.

维拉在过去的七场做客安菲尔德的比赛中没有一场胜利,卢卡斯相信利物浦可以延续维拉的不胜记录。Villa arrive at Anfield without a victory in their last seven outings and Lucas is confident Liverpool can extend the Villa Park club's winless streak.

热刺一开赛就显示出必胜的决心,他们希望终结对曼联10年内23场比赛的不胜怪圈。Tottenham had entered the game full of confidence that they could end a winless streak against United that had stretched 10 years and 23 matches in all competitions.

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穆里尼奥很高兴破坏了温格执教阿森纳第500比赛的心情,最终结束了切尔西联赛十年不胜枪手的历史。José Mourinho was delighted to spoil Arsène Wenger's 500th game in charge of Arsenal and finally end Chelsea's ten-year winless spell in the League against the Gunners.

布兰科在昨天将拉涅利叫到了尤文总部进行了一次紧急会议,随后又将球员们留在更衣室里进行了90分钟的谈话,讨论了球队连续七轮不胜的原因。Today he called Ranieri to the club headquarters for an emergency meeting and then held the squad in the locker room for 90 minutes to discuss the seven-match winless streak.