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学习是白痴?Your work is idiotic?

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我是个笨蛋。那太傻了。I'm a fool. That was idiotic.

那么聪明的脑袋瓜怎么问了这么白痴的问题?How did the so smart brain ask a so idiotic answer?

但我没说过我的功课或她的工作是白痴的呀。But I hadn`t ever said that work or hers was idiotic.

我一点也不明白,这一切都是愚蠢的。I don't understand anything about it. All this is idiotic.

这不仅仅是生态紊乱,更是白痴的组织。This isn't just ecological lunacy, it's idiotic organisation.

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然而愚蠢和标准的结合,产生了现在的浴缸和淋浴。Then there is the idiotic and standard combination tub and shower.

“瞎胡闹?”娜塔丽说,“我正觉得有点神奇呢。”"Idiotic?" Natalie said. "I was just deciding it's rather magical.

现在,我来做一个滑稽可笑的游戏,那是我在芝加哥学来的。Now we are going to play an idiotic game which I learned in Chicago.

模特儿带着傻乎乎的微笑望着镜子里自己的相貌。The model looked at her reflection in the mirror with an idiotic simper.

您的梦想,愚蠢的儿童预示着疾病和悲痛,在不久的将来您。Your dream of idiotic children presages illness and grief in you near future.

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单单坐在这里看电视是很蠢的,是在浪费生命。But just sitting here and watching TV--that's idiotic. You're wasting your life.

那些白痴般的印第安人唱着恶心的胜利歌曲来描述他们在战场上的威风。The idiotic Indian sang a shit-song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.

白痴?前有马可·波罗和兰斯·阿姆斯特朗骑行双人自行车的例子,我这不算什么吧。Idiotic? For Marco Polo and Lance Armstrong riding together on a tandem, perhpsa not.

它也是互联网历史上最最不可思议的伟大产物。It's also become the most singularly idiotic and wonderful thing in internet history.

在企业家给同行的忠告里,没什么比这个更为愚蠢,更为孤陋寡闻的了。This is about the most idiotic and ill-informed advice an entrepreneur could give another.

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我从来没有看见过她脸这样红,笑这样神秘,我觉得这很不体面,傻里傻气的,很怪。I had never seen a person titter and blush before, and to me it seemed unbecoming and idiotic.

毫无疑问,集体思维解释了一些董事会之所以最终得出愚蠢做法的原因。No doubt groupthink explains why some boards end up committing to an idiotic course of action.

当好一名警察服务祖国是一件困难的事,不过总有一些愚蠢的罪犯使其变的容易起来。Being a policeman and serving your country is difficult, although idiotic criminals make it easier.