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接下来,把气体汇集到就近的一台发电机。The gas can then be funneled to a nearby generator.

贯穿过星云的强大磁场,正迫使大量的气体飞离星云。Streams of gas leaving the nebula are funneled by a strong magnetic field.

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尼日尔各社区将社区行动计划的资源集中起来,统一用于实施各类项目。Nigerien communities have funneled CAP resources to a wide range of projects.

法耶玆希望多数的资金能通过约旦河西岸政府流入。Fayyad wants most of the money funneled through his West Bank-based government.

不过,这位保镖把普拉吉的一小部分资金秘密转入了帕尔帕廷的战争基金。The protector secretly funneled some of Praji's funds into Palpatine's war chest.

这种排放应该通过美国瓦茨气隙连接件用管道引到地漏处。The discharge should be funneled through a Watts air gap fitting piped to a floor drain.

最近有报道称前LIFG成员秘密引导到伊拉克,因此此种说法站得住脚。This notion is bolstered by recent reports that former LIFG members funneled fighters to Iraq.

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另一个案例中,政治高官成克杰向其定居香港的情妇秘密转移资金。In another, Cheng Kejie, a top politician got his mistress settled in Hong Kong and funneled money to her.

很多资金都注入了非生产性产业,使中国的银行业遭遇衰退。Too much of it was funneled into unproductive sectors of the economy, setting up China for a banking meltdown.

过去两年大量的信贷扩张都是通过地方政府融资平台进行的。A great deal of the credit expansion over the last two years had been funneled through the aforementioned LGFVs.

他所传达的信息表现了与该组织的团结以及对它的支持,协会为民主党金库注入了大笔资金。His message was one of unity and support for a group that has funneled large amounts of money into Democratic coffers.

有人将其归咎于对冲基金的投机行为,将巨额资金砸向食品市场的期货合同。Some blame the hedge fund speculators who have funneled large amounts of money into futures contracts in food markets.

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他的姐姐在乔治城的神经科学博士项目组工作,正是她告诉他有关于不叠被子的报告。His sister, who is in the neuroscience PhD program at Georgetown, is the one who funneled him the report about unmade beds.

然后,被激发的气体从爆能枪启动模块的狭窄空间经过,变成强大的粒子束。The agitated gas is then funneled through the actuating blaster module, where it is processed into an intense particle beam.

在日本北部的岩手县,海啸在这里沿着海岸冲出了一条条狭窄的谷道,张狂地显露出它的破坏力。Here in Japan’s northern Iwate prefecture, the tsunami was funneled up narrow coastal valleys, amplifying its destructive power.

他们解释说,在星系堆积的混乱中,很多气体向星系中心汇集,然后被吞没。In all the chaos of a galactic pile-up, plenty of gas should get funneled toward the center and gobbled up, astronomers reasoned.

在脊椎动物,神经网络控制这个系统是通过下丘脑漏斗状的前,后脑垂体。In vertebrates, neural control of this system is funneled through the hypothalamus to the anterior and posterior pituitary gland.

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该公共基金自1976年以来在每次竞选周期内都为总统竞选注入数千万美元。The public financing system has funneled tens of millions of dollars into presidential campaigns every election cycle since 1976.

财富的分配将被那些诚实和真诚的人操作,并且不再会被注入私人的银行账户中。The distribution of wealth will be handled by those who are honest and true, and will no longer be funneled into private bank accounts.

高收入和奖金是联邦政府货币政策的直接结果,政府把新钱直接送到华尔街和银行。The high pay and bonuses was the result of government monetary policies, which funneled new money directly to Wall Street and the banks.