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剧烈的星系合并能喂养超大质量黑洞。Violent galaxy mergers can feed supermassive black holes.

因此,这更像黑洞有更多的机会,自我规管。So it's more like supermassive black holes have more opportunity to self-regulate.

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她解释说,当两个大型星系合并之时,它们的超大质量黑洞也结合在一起。When two big galaxies merge, she explains, their supermassive black holes combine.

这张照片展示了超大质量黑洞的新面孔。This image of Centaurus A shows a spectacular new view of a supermassive black hole's power.

美国宇航局的钱德勒X射线天文台捕捉到银河系超大质量黑洞人马座A。NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory captures Sagittarius A*, the galaxy's supermassive black hole.

“对于超级黑洞,这是所得到的最为精确的估算,”格布哈特说。"It's the most accurate mass estimate ever obtained" for a supermassive black hole, says Gebhardt.

但是很多星系——包括银河系在内——都拥有超大质量的黑洞,然而并没有产生类星体。But many galaxies—including the Milky Way—host supermassive black holes yet don't generate quasars.

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只有拥有球形膨胀组件的星系才可能容纳质量超大的黑洞。Only galaxies with a spherical bulge-like component appear to accommodate supermassive black holes.

这些结论帮助解释了特大质量黑洞如何可以改变它所在星系的演化。These results help explain how a supermassive black hole can alter the evolution of its host galaxy.

超大规模黑洞爆发产生的致命能量束能摧毁一切。A supermassive black hole blasting is destroying everything in its path with a deadly beam of energy.

类星体是星系中最活跃的中心,尽管他们围绕着中心特大质量黑洞。Quasars are the very active centers of galaxies though to surround the central supermassive black hole.

在超大银河这一关里,一切都是巨大的,无论是游戏场景还是马里奥本身。In Supermassive Galaxy, everything is huge, be it Goombas or the actual platforms that Mario runs across.

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一般,超大型黑洞出现在体积、质量更大,含有核球的星系中。Normally, supermassive black holes are found in much larger, much more massive galaxies that have bulges.

它由多尘的环状气体云和不断进入中心巨型黑洞的尘埃组成。It consists of a dusty, doughnut-shaped cloud of gas and dust that feeds a central supermassive black hole.

在其他黑洞活动比较少的星系中,新的星体的形成过程是很明显的。In the other galaxies, the supermassive black holes are less active, and the star-making process is evident.

美国宇航局公布的图像显示出人马座A——银河系中心特大质量黑洞。Animage released by NASA shows Sagittarius A, the supermassive black holeat the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.

在每个星系的中心几乎都存在一个超大质量的黑洞,而这个黑洞的周围又包围着一个大核球。At its center, nearly every large galaxy contains a supermassive black hole surrounded by a big bulge of stars.

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如果我们的星系停泊了一个巨大的黑洞,那么它是安静的,缺乏我们从其他星系看到的能量的喷射。If our galaxy harbored a supermassive black hole, it was quiet, lacking the belches of energy seen from others.

当沿轨道运行的物质落入每个星系中央的超重黑洞时,就会产生这样的射流。Such jets are produced as orbiting matter falls into the supermassive black holes at the centers of every galaxy.

先前仅仅只认为超大质量黑洞才能制造这些高速恒星。Previously, only the supermassive black hole there was thought to be able to produce these " hypervelocity " stars.