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结论可利用气相色谱共有峰之比鉴别羚羊角。CONCLUSION The ratio of GC peaks can be used to identify Saigae Tataricae Cornu.

目的建立中药材鹿茸的分子分类学鉴定试剂盒。OBJECTIVE To make the kit to identify Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum with molecular taxonomy.

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方法床边锥颅侧脑室前角穿刺置管,复达欣灌注,结合腰穿脑脊液。Methods Puncture was operated and tube was placed in former cornu of ventricles of brain.

利用科纽卷线的几何特性,可以计算菲涅耳积分。The Fresnel integral can be computed on the basis of geometrical properties of the Cornu spiral.

目的建立羚羊角注射液细菌内毒素检查的方法。OBJECTIVE To establish a method for bacterial endotoxins test of Cornu Saigae Tatricae Injection.

方法采用显微鉴别法鉴定其显微特征。Methods We identified the micro-character of Cornu Bubali and Cornu Saigae tataricae with microscope.

结果羚羊角粉与水牛角粉显微特征差异显著,可用于羚羊感冒胶囊真伪鉴别。Results The differences in the micro-character between Cornu Bubali and Cornu Saigae tataricae are obvious.

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方法建立处方中五味子、茸的薄层鉴别方法。Methods To set up the thin layer chromatogram differentiation method for Fruc tus Schisandrae chinensis, Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum.

方法建立处方中五味子、鹿茸的薄层鉴别方法。Methods To set up the thin layer chromatogram differentiation method for Fruc tus Schisandrae chinensis, Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum.

国农业部周一说,今年美国玉米种植面积将大大低于二月份预计的水平,同时,大豆种植面积将高于预计。U. S. Farmers to Plant Less CornU. S. farmers will be planting significantly less corn and more soybeans this year than was forecast in February, the U. S.

采用电子探针法测定了羚羊角尖部、基部、骨塞及商品羚羊角粉中无机元素,探讨了其无机元素的含量差别与药性的关系。The inorganic elements in the tip, base and bony structure of horn of saiga tatarica L. and the commodity powders of Cornu Saigae Tataricae were determined by electron probe analysis.