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这套戏法要求手快。This trick demands sleight of hand.

还有我灵巧戏法背后阵阵作痛的空虚。The aching hollowness in sleight of hand.

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公司帐目显示在财务上耍了一点手腕。The company accounts show a little financial sleight of hand.

敢对我的钱耍什么花招的话,我就剪断你的喉咙。Try any sleight of hand with my money and I'll cut your throat.

用橡皮筋绑起来,让魔术师没法耍任何花招。This is all rubber banded together so the magician cannot do any sleight of hand.

建筑采用灵巧的手法,新的屋顶仿佛漂浮在坚实的玻璃砖带上。With a respectful sleight of hand, a new roof floats atop a ribbon of solid glass brick.

苏格拉底赢得了第一册的辩论,你可能会说,这个作法是花招。Socrates wins the argument in Book I with a kind of, you might even say, sleight of hand.

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我想一个变戏法的人可能会称之为别的,比如说花招,误导。I think a magician might call this something else, you know, sleight of hand, misdirection.

更多的球,观看世界杯的例子在这个例程手魔术视频免费花招。Watch examples of more ball and cup routines in this free sleight of hand magic tricks video.

观看更多的例子球及杯例程这手魔术视频免费花招。Watch more examples of ball and cup routines in this free sleight of hand magic tricks video.

但这种戏法真的经得起末日审判的法律审查吗?But would such a sleight of hand really stand up to legal scrutiny in the aftermath of Armageddon?

所谓的中国在高技术出口方面的优势是统计花招的成果。The purported Chinese dominance in high-tech exports, meanwhile, is the product of statistical sleight of hand.

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有着极强爱国主义心理的人常常陷入这种把戏,浑然不觉其中的不实之处。People of strongly nationalistic outlook often perform this sleight of hand without being conscious of dishonesty.

了解如何在这个自由运球技巧视频卡与手技术从一个真正的魔术师变戏法卡。Learn how to dribble the cards with sleight of hand techniques from a real magician in this free card tricks video.

不过,随着越吹越大的泡沫最终造成一场深刻的衰退,美国人对于这种商人把戏的耐心也走到了尽头。But with the resulting bubble contributing to a deep recession, US tolerance for this mercantile sleight of hand has come to an end.

学习如何做一个单手切透露,从一个真正的魔术师与技术花招牌手在这个自由卡过关视频。Learn how to do a one-handed cut to reveal cards with sleight of hand techniques from a real magician in this free card tricks video.

弗拉伊内的成功表演记录了他的取胜法宝——从催眠手法到在水上走的能力。Frayne's award-winning show documents the tricks he has up his sleeve- from his mesmerising sleight of hand to his ability to walk on water.

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我赢得过国际比赛,大家都知道我是变戏法的专家,也是最能将魔术当作真正艺术的权威。I'm an international award winner, and I'm known as an expert at sleight of hand and an authority on approaching magic as an actual art form.

再者,在多角度的镜头拍摄下,您可以轻轻松松的学会每一个手法,让「魔戒」在你的掌握下任意穿梭纵横!Moreover, with the aid of the multi-angle shooting, you can learn every sleight easily. From now on, let the ring become one of your magical weapons!

这种减肥策略看起来很棒,既能够让自己的身体认为在吸收糖分和脂肪,同时又把卡路里降到最低水平。That sleight of hand seems ingenious. You can let your body think it’s getting the sweets and fats it craves while keeping the calorie count to a minimum.