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这是小叮当!This is Tinker Bell!

但小叮当能做得很好。But Tinker Bell can be nice.

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小叮当与失去的宝藏。Tinker. Bell. And. The. Lost.

这是小叮当。他能飞!This is Tinker Bell. She can fly!

小叮当是一个极好的仙女。Tinker Bell is a wonderful fairy.

叮叮铃非常嫉妒温蒂。Tinker Bell is very jealous of Wendy.

小叮当不想去帮助温蒂。Tinker Bell doesn't went to help Wendy.

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正如我一直建议的,现在应该进行一些修补工作。As I always advise, now it is time to tinker.

现在,小叮当,你确定要这么做吗?Now, Tinker Bell, are you sure you can do this?

我父母为我新买了条叫廷克·贝尔的狗。My parents brought a new dog named Tinker Belle.

小叮当嫉妒温蒂。那可不好。Tinker Bell is jealous of Wendy. That's not nice.

老叮当这个大家伙,它以前追过山狮呢。Big old Tinker. He's chased mountain lions before.

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然后化学家们会做些粗略的修补以增强它的口味。Chemists then tinker with these to enhance their taste.

丁卡·贝尔在地图上给胡克船长指出了他们的藏身地。On the map, Tinker Bell showed Captain Hook the secret hideout.

用小叮当的小玩意拯救大家吗?Tinker Bell's going to save us with her dopey little doohickeys.

小炉匠咕噜咕噜地喝下了酒,但罗宾只是假装在喝酒。The tinker downed his greedily but Robin only pretended to drink.

但是,他远不仅只是一个善于摆弄东西和词藻的能工巧匠。But he was much more than just a clever tinker with things and words.

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他热爱挑战,中意于新技术的研发,喜欢修理行业。He loved challenges, marveled at new technology, and loved to tinker.

我喜欢机械工程因为我喜欢建东西,摆弄东西。I like it just because I like to build things and tinker with things.

小仙女和“遗失的男孩”被彼得狠狠地训斥了一顿。Tinker Bell and the Lost Boys are reprimanded by Peter for their actions.